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英语翻译Alcohols and phenols.In substitutive and conjunctive nom

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 08:21:36
Alcohols and phenols.In substitutive and conjunctive nomenclature of alcohols the hydroxyl group (OH)as principal group is indicated by a suffix"—ol",with elision of terminal "e"(if present)from the name of the parent compound,for example .methanol,2-propanol,triphenylmethanol,etc.
The following are examples of trivial names which are retained:allyl alcohol,tert-butyl alcohol,benzyl alcohol,ethylene glycol,glycerol,etc.
Hydroxy derivatives of benzene and other aromatic carbocyclic systems are named by adding the suffix "-ol ","-diol ",etc.,to the name of the hydrocarbon,with elision of terminal "e"(if present) before "ol",e.g.,1,2,4-benzenetriol.The following are examples of trivial names of aromatic hydroxy compounds which are retained,for example,phenol,cresol.naphthol,pyrocatechol,resorcinol,hydroquinone ,etc.
Radicals RO- are named by adding "oxy" as a suffix to the name of the radical R,e.g.,pentyloxy,allyloxy,benzyloxy,etc.Only the following contractions for oxygen-containing radical names are recommended as exceptions to this rule:methoxy,ethoxy,propoxy,butoxy,phenoxy,isopropoxy.
Except when forming part of a ring system,bivalent radicals of the form -O-X-O- are named by adding "dioxy" to the name of the bivalent radical -X-,e.g.,ethylenedioxy,trimethylenedioxy.
Salts.Anions derived from alcohols or phenols are named by changing the final"-ol" of the name of the alcohol or phenol to "-olate ".This applies to substitutive,radicofunctional,and trivial names,e.g.,potassium methanolate,sodium phenolate.
Ethers.Compounds R1—O—R2 have the generic name "ethers" and may be named by either the substitutive or the radicofunctional method.
Substitutive names of unsymmetrical ethers are formed by using names of radicals R'O- as prefixes to the names of the hydrocarbons corresponding to the second radical R2.The senior component is selected as the parent compound.Radicofunctional names of ethers are formed by citing the names of the radicals R1 and R2 followed by the word "ether”,for example,1-isopropoxypropane,ethyl methyl ether,diethyl ether,ethyl vinyl ether.
Aldehydes.The term "aldehyde" is applied to compounds which contain the group — C(=O)H attached to carbon.Aldehydes are named by means of the suffixes "-al","-aldehyde",or "-carbaldehyde",or by the prefix "formyl-" [[representing the — C( = O)H group when present as the terminal group of a carbon chain},or,in connexion with trivial names,by the prefix "oxo-"(representing = O).The name of an unbranched acyclic mono-or di-aldehyde is formed by adding the suffix"-al"(for a monoaldehyde) ,with elision of a terminal "e" (if present),or "-dial" (for a dialdehyde ) to the name of the hydrocarbon containing the same number of carbon atoms,e.g.,ethanal,hexanal.
不要在线翻译 能帮的帮一下 需一定化学基础 谢过!
英语翻译Alcohols and phenols.In substitutive and conjunctive nom
羟基苯与其它芳香衍生物碳系统被命名,通过增加后缀“-ol”、“-diol”等,你的名在全地何其elision碳氢化合物,与终端" e "(如果存在)之前,例如“ol”.,1、2、4-benzenetriol.下面是一些例子琐屑的名称所保留了羟基化合物芳香,例如,苯酚、cresol.公告,resorcinol naphthol、氢醌等.
激进分子RO -命名是通过增加“大气中的二氧化碳——延缓“作为一个后缀名的激进的R,如敞开式,pentyloxy allyloxy,benzyloxy,等.只有下列收缩为含氧自由基的名字为推荐的例外:methoxy ethoxy butoxy,propoxy,phenoxy isopropoxy,.
除了当组成部分的环系统、二价自由基的形式-O-X-O——被命名,加上" dioxy”之名激进-X - >二价,trimethylenedioxy,ethylenedioxy.g.
盐.阴离子源自醇或酚类的命名是通过改变最后的“-ol”的名字酒精或苯酚与“-olate”.这适用于替代,radicofunctional,和琐碎的名称、例句.、钾、钠phenolate methanolate.
非对称的醚替代的名字是由使用的名字'O激进分子R -作为前缀的名字,对应于第二激进碳氢化合物R2.高级组件是选中的母体化合物.Radicofunctional醚形成的名字引用的名称,R2自由基R1,紧随其后的是单词“以太”,例如,1-isopropoxypropane甲基醚丙二酸二乙酯,全氟代烷基乙烯基醚醚、乙酸乙酯.
醛类.术语“醛化合物”应用于含集团- C(=)!H依附于碳.醛类的命名是利用后缀“推拿”、“-aldehyde”,或者“-carbaldehyde”或“formyl的前缀-“[[代表- C(=)!当浓密的H集团为终点站群的碳链},或者,在与琐碎的名字、灭失或损害的前缀- oxo”(代表”= O).分枝的名称是由有向无环mono-or di-aldehyde加后缀“推拿”(为monoaldehyde),elision终端的“e”(如果存在),或“-dial;”(一)的名称含油相同数量的碳原子,ethanal,例如,葡萄酒.