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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/27 06:00:26
1.皮肤粗糙———维生素A与胶质.皮肤表层或保护层若是水分流失过多,会造成肤质干裂、粗糙,可多食用胡萝卜、带皮的肉块、蔬菜、小鱼等食物,有助于肌肤的光滑. \n 2.头部及心脏不适时——DNA、IPA不饱和脂肪酸.以上的营养成分能有效降低血液中胆固醇的含量,防止动脉硬化,进而避免中风的可能性.此外DNA还可加速脑的活性化,防止痴呆的产生.值得注意的是,不饱和脂肪酸宜适量摄取,过量易导致贫血症状,红豆及鱼类食品则可满足日常所需.\n\n 3.眼睛疲劳时——维生素A、维生素B2.富含维生素A的食物如胡萝卜,可防止视力老化,含有维生素B2如豆类,可消除眼睛疲劳,像鳗鱼、猪肝、蛋等,富含以上两者成分的食物,对保养眼睛都有不错的功效.\n\n 4.肩膀酸痛、手脚冰冷、生理痛——维生素E.维生素E不足时,会影响血液循环,造成子宫虚冷,引起肩膀酸痛、手脚冰冷、生理痛的症状,因此可多吃地瓜、杏仁、南瓜等富含维生素E的食物,可防止更年期的症状及老化,具有养颜美容功效.\n\n 5.贫血时——铁质.多数女性的贫血属于缺铁性贫血,再加上饮食习惯不正常,使得潜在性贫血的人数大增,因此女性平时应多吃菠菜或蚬、猪肝、海带等食物来补充铁质,此时可多吃含维生素C的食物,加强人体对铁质的吸收.\n\n 6.肝脏机能不佳——蛋白质、牛磺酸.蛋白质中的牛磺酸具有促进肝脏细胞的再生的功能,多食用章鱼、虾类、螃蟹及贝类等富含牛磺酸之蛋白质,对恢复肝脏机能具有正面的功效.\n\n 7.食欲不振——硫化物.硫化物多存在于葱和蒜头之中,是使其发生刺鼻味的主要成分,如果有食欲不振的现象,不妨利用葱、蒜来料理食物,可增加食欲.\n\n 8.慢性疲劳——糖份、维生素B1.若体内出现糖份或维生素B1低时,人体会容易感到疲劳,尤其是减肥中的人,更容易因缺乏糖份而感到头昏目眩,可多吃糙米、胚芽米、黑麦面包等食物,让疲劳的身驱恢复活力.\n\n 9.骨质疏松症——钙质、胶质.钙质是支撑骨头的基本元素,胶质则是帮助钙质充分附着在骨头上的重要物质,二者都是预防骨质疏松症的重要来源,因此多吃带骨的鱼、肉,对预防此症极有助益.\n\n 10.失眠时——必需氨基酸.当你有失眠困扰时,多吃含有氨基酸的食物,如花生、杏仁或香蕉等,可以在无形中舒缓不安及紧张的情绪,提升睡眠质量.此外,蛋白质含有大量的氨基酸,也可以舒缓偏头痛或胸口郁闷的症状,如肉类食品.
1. Rough skin --- Vitamin A and glia. If the surface layer of the skin or the protection of the loss of too much water will cause dry skin, rough, can eat more carrots, skinned and cut in pieces, vegetables, fish and other food, help to smooth skin. \ N 2. The head and heart is not timely - DNA, IPA unsaturated fatty acids. More nutrients can reduce blood cholesterol levels, prevent atherosclerosis, and thus avoid the risk of stroke. In addition, DNA can also speed up the brain's activity, and to prevent the emergence of dementia. It is noteworthy that intake of unsaturated fatty acids in moderation, too easily lead to symptoms of anemia, red beans and fish food can meet the daily needs. \ N \ n 3. Eye fatigue - vitamin A, vitamin B2. Foods rich in vitamin A such as carrots, can prevent the aging eyesight, vitamin B2 such as beans, can eliminate eye fatigue, such as eel, liver, eggs, rich in these two components of the food, have a good eye on the maintenance effect. \ N \ n 4. Shoulder pain, cold hands and feet, physical pain - vitamin E. Vitamin E is low, will affect blood circulation, causing cold empty uterus, causing shoulder pain, cold hands and feet, physical pain and symptoms, so you can eat sweet potatoes, almonds, pumpkin and other foods rich in vitamin E to prevent menopausal symptoms and aging effect with skincare. \ N \ n 5. Anemia - iron. Most women anemia is iron deficiency anemia, coupled with irregular eating habits, making significant increase in the number of potential anemia, so women should eat more spinach or clams in peacetime, liver, kelp and other foods to supplement iron, at this time can eat more foods with vitamin C to strengthen the body's absorption of iron. \ N \ n 6. Poor liver function - protein, taurine. Protein in liver cells of taurine can promote the regeneration of functional, multi-eat octopus, shrimp, crabs and shellfish are rich in taurine and other proteins, on the restoration of liver function have a positive effect. \ N \ n 7. Loss of appetite - sulfide. Sulphide present in the onion and garlic into, is to place the main component of pungent taste, if the phenomenon of loss of appetite, may wish to use onion and garlic to cooking food, increase the appetite. \ N \ n 8. Chronic fatigue - sugar, vitamin B1. If the body appears low sugar or vitamin B1, the body will easily feel tired, especially in people who lose weight more easily because of the lack of sugar to feel dizzy dizzy, can eat brown rice, Pei Yami, rye bread and other food fatigue drive to revitalize the body. \ N \ n 9. Osteoporosis - calcium, and glial. Calcium is an essential element of supporting bone, resin is fully attached to the bones of calcium to help on important material, both the prevention of osteoporosis are an important source, so eating fish with bones, meat, on the prevention of this disease very helpful. \ N \ n 10. Insomnia - essential amino acids. When you have insomnia, eating food that contains amino acids, such as peanuts, almonds or a banana, you can virtually relieve anxiety and tension, improve sleep quality. In addition, the protein contains large amounts of amino acids, can also relieve migraine headaches or chest depressed symptoms, such as meat products.