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he did not need to keep moving house,as his father had.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 18:21:29
he did not need to keep moving house,as his father had.
he did not need to keep moving house,as his father had.
as1 [强 æz; 弱əz]
1. [表示程度]同样地,相同地,一样地,相等地,达到…程度2. [后接形容词或分词]被认为,被看作是,(从某种方式)与…对比时3. [后接 directed, agreed, promised 等分词]照…一样,按照(规定的、同意的、答应的)方式4. 诸如,例如
1. [表示比较]像…(一样),达到…程度,以至于:例句: It flew straight as an arrow.
它直飞如箭.You are as good as you think you are.
你像你自己认为的一样好.2. [表示方式]以…的方式,按照;如同,如同…那样:例句: Do as you are told.
照吩咐去做.Do as we do.
我们怎么干,你就怎么干.3. [表示时间] 当…的时候,在…的同时,和…同时;当,正值:例句: She wept as she spoke.
她边说边哭.Pay as you enter.
进来时付钱.4. [表示原因]因为,由于,鉴于;既然:例句: As you object, we won't go.
由于你反对,我们不去了.As you are leaving last, lock up.
你是最后一个离开,把门锁好.5. [与so连用,表示结果或目的]:以至于,结果是:例句: The question is so obvious as to need no reply.
这问题很清楚,不必回答.6. [表示让步,词序倒装]虽然,尽管,纵:例句: Tall as she was she couldn't reach the oranges.
她虽然长得这么高,仍够不着那些橙子.Strange as it seems,it is so.
虽然看来很怪,但事实如此.7. [口语][引导名词从句,在主从复合句的主句中]= that:例句: I don't know as I should.
我不知道我该这么做.I don't know as I do.
我不知道我知道.8. [与 so 连用,表示目的]为了,为使,以便:例句: Students should take notes so as to make revision easier.
为了便于复习,学生应该记笔记.9. [常与 so 连用,表示比例或关系]正像;随着…:例句: As the wind blew harder,so the sea grew rougher.
风越刮越大,海浪也越来越汹涌.10. 仿佛,好像( = as if):例句: It seems as she's never happy.
她似乎生活得一点也不愉快.11. 根据;[与 go 连用]按照…的一般标准来说:例句: as far as it goes
就一般标准来说,就其本身来说12. [口语][引导名词从句, = that]13. [方言]比;与其…(不如…)( = than)
1. 如(情形或事实所表示);这一点,这一事实,那一情况2. [用于比较,前为such 或 the same,或与后跟形容词的 as 连用,引导定语从句,等于who,which或that]照此;如;像…样的人(或事物);凡是…的人(或事物)3. 也一样( = and so)4. [方言][引导定语从句,= who,whom,which 或 that]
1. 当作;作为;以…的资格,以…的身份:例句: He poses as a friend.
他摆出一副朋友的样子.I do not think much of her as a musician.
她作为一名音乐家,我认为不怎么样.2. 像,如同,跟…一样:例句: The risk is as nothing compared to the gain.
所冒风险与所得相比不足挂齿.The thief disguised himself as a policeman.
那贼乔装打扮成警察.3. [表示比较]像…(一样):例句: as early as 1848
早在1848年eyes as clear as crystals
水晶般明亮的眼睛4. 例如:例句: a card game, as bridge
一种牌戏,例如桥牌In some words in English the initial h is not sounded,as honour,hour,honesty,etc.
英语里有些词如 honour,hour,honesty等等的首字h不发音.5. 为了…的目的:例句: I only said it as a joke.
我只是开玩笑说说而已.6. 以…的形式:例句: We all start life as babies.
我们都是从婴儿开始人生的旅程的.7. 由于…的理由[as being的省略形式]:例句: He was detained as suspects.
他因是嫌疑犯被拘留.8. 起…的作用;(在剧中)扮演…的角色:例句: The illustration shows Mr.John as prince in Hamlet.
这个插图说明约翰先生在《哈姆雷特》一剧中扮演王子这个角色.9. 当某人在…的时候:例句: As a child,he was rather naughty.