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used to; while; 过去进行时等

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 07:02:11
请以"Sally's children"为题写一篇短文,词数在80左右, 要求用上"used to do/be..."结构。 图片描述:1.Sally和她的两个女儿和一个儿子在看电视. 2.客厅凌乱不堪. 3.Sally的儿子在沙发上边看电视边想. 4.客厅变得整洁干净,焕然一新,Sally很高兴. 5.家具摆放整齐.Sally的儿子在用洗衣机. 6.Sally的三个孩子在做家务.一家人在明亮的客厅看电视. 请根据对图片的描述,指导下写作思路,提供范文.谢谢!
used to; while; 过去进行时等
解题思路: 本篇作文是一篇记叙文,时间应该是四个时间点,即:客厅凌乱不堪的时候;Sally 的儿子想的时间;孩子们打扫房间的时间;最后是一家人在亮堂的客厅看电视。按时间顺序写出Sally 和孩子们的感受、行为、结果。最后收题,一家人的感受
Sally had two daughters and a son. They were watching TV in the living room. But the living room iwas at a loss, The children's books and other school things were here and there. There was much dust on the furniture. Sally's son was thinking about something while he iwas watching TV. He thought they used to be too lazy before. they used to throw their things about. They never helped their mother do the housework. What a messy room! Then he asked his two sisters to clean the house with him together. So the three children began to do the cleaning. The two girls cleaned the table, the sofa, and swept the floor. the son was using the washing—machine. About an hour later, the house became tidy and clean. Everything was in their right place. The whole house got clean and bright. The family were watching TV happily. The children wre a little tired, but they felt very happy. Sally was also quite happy.