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《定风波 暮春漫兴》翻译

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 17:19:48
《定风波 暮春漫兴》翻译
《定风波 暮春漫兴》翻译
《定风波·暮春漫兴》 The Passing of Spring Time
少日春怀似酒浓,插花走马醉千锺.Spring time!The young man is full of action,singing,laughing,dancing.
老去逢春如病酒,唯有,茶瓯香篆小帘栊.Spring time!An old man sits on a small chair,sipping tea,staring out of a tiny window.
卷尽残花风未定,休恨,花开元自要春风.Now,the spring time has just gone!Flowers are fallen by the wind.The same wind that once persuaded the same flowers to bloom!
试问春归谁得见?飞燕,来时相遇夕阳中.Where has the spring time gone?Look at that approaching swallow,she knows!She knows,because she must have come from where the spring time goes.
逝去之青春谁得见?美梦之中喜相逢.Oh,where has my beautiful youth gone?Gone into my beautiful dreams.
(按:年青,忙着玩; 老了,就多想从前英姿.)
抄自网络:.末两句 (飞燕...) 真是“匪伊所思”,妙不可言:离此而去的春天,被向这里飞来的燕子碰上了,她是在金色的夕阳中遇见的.那么,她们彼此讲了些什么呢?