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改错?下面句子 中是 that 错了 还是whom 错了?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 06:24:58
改错?下面句子 中是 that 错了 还是whom 错了?
改错?Part of the reason for the seeming increase in crime along the coast is that more people than ever are bacationing in Europe,many of whom on the Mediterranean.
改错?下面句子 中是 that 错了 还是whom 错了?
Part of the reason for the seeming increase in crime along the coast is that more people than ever are vacationing in Europe,many of【them】 on the Mediterranean.
注:on没有错.最后那个从句是many of them are vacationing on the Mediterranean的省略.
再问: 这里为什么不能用whom 呢?
再答: 要是用whom的话,后面就要加个动词了,如 many of whom are on the Mediterranean. 套用z619202538的解释,就是少了谓语动词。
再问: 不好意思,再问一下,谓语动词 我能把他理解为省略了吗?理解为省略了 就可以用了呀?
再答: whom后面从来不省略动词。