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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 05:29:05
你是个天赋的表演者,有好的品质好的修养更有极具感染力的表现力,我不知道要怎样表达我对你作品的喜爱,但是有时候你就像一个老师,从扮演的Esteban,Vernon Little,Jimmy,Jethro Cane,Merlin,Cathal O'Regan,Calum,Carlos,Gary,Ariel,Skinny身上,我可以受到心灵的启发,喜悦,伤心,愧疚,珍惜,同情,反省自己的错与对,你知道吗,你是娱乐圈的正能量,每一部作品都为我们增添着新鲜血液,There's something about you,I can't put my figure on it
我知道演员们光鲜亮丽的背后往往是辛苦的付出,他们也许睡得不好,吃的不好,赚的不多,还有一大堆的舆论压力,流言蜚语,但是兴趣是最好的老师,我知道,u just like merlin ,always做着你认为正确的事情,and 不要忘记,we r always be your stron backing!
last but no least 照顾好自己,可以告诉我是否你过的开心吗?那正是我所希望的,be happy
How are you recently?Thank you for taking your time to read my letter. I am longing for this moment.
You are the best gift God has given us,your musical, your movie, your acting skill, your voice, your smile are the most priceless gift.
You are a gifted performer, have the good quality and accomplishment to go with and moreover your charming appeal. I am speechless to express my love for your works. Sometimes, you are like a teacher, your play of Esteban,Vernon Little,Jimmy,Jethro Cane,Merlin,Cathal O'Regan,Calum,Carlos,Gary,Ariel and Skinny inspire my soul. Joy, sadness, guilt, cherish, compassion and reflecting on myself, do you know you are the positive energy in entertainment, every piece of you work add fresh blood to.the society.There's something about you,I can't put my figure on it
I know that behind the bright light of actor is their hard effort. They may not sleep well, eat well, and earn much, most of all there is a lot of pressure and gossips from the publi, but interest is the best teacher. I know you are just like merlin, always doing things following you heart and don't forget we will always be your strong back!
Last but not least, please take care of yourself, can you please tell me do you have a wonderful time as this is what I hope so. Be happy.