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英语翻译CARDIFF,Wale-poets,singers and musicians from across the

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 12:35:48
CARDIFF,Wale-poets,singers and musicians from across the globe gathered Wales to celebrate the tradition of the storytelling.
"it might seem strange that people still want to listen in age of wantching television,but this is an unusal art form whose time has come again,"said "David Ambrose,director of Beyond the Border,an international storytelling festivals in Wales.
"Some of the tales.like those of the Inuit from Canada,are thousands of years old.so our storytellers have come from distant lands to connect us with the distance of time,'he said early this mouth
two Inuit women ,both in their mid 60S,are among the few remaining who can do throat singing,which has few words and much suond.
Their art si governed by the cold of their surrounding ,forcing them to say little but listen cttentively.
Ambrose started the festival in 1993,after several years of working with those reviving(coming back into use or existence)storytelling in Wales.
"It came out of a group of people who wanted to reconnect with traditions,and as all the Welsh are storytellers.it was in good hands here,"Ambrose said.
英语翻译CARDIFF,Wale-poets,singers and musicians from across the
加的夫的、威尔士的歌和音乐家从全球汇集威尔士庆祝讲故事的传统.“这也许有些奇怪:在能看电视的时代人们仍然想要听故事.但这确实是个非常不一般的艺术形式,并且它迎来了它的复苏,”在“Beyond the Border”这个国际讲故事节日任主任的威尔士人David Ambrose说.“某些故事,比如加拿大人说因纽特人的故事是有着几千年历史的,我们的讲故事者从遥远的国度给我们讲述久远的故事,”这月初他说.还有两个因纽特人妇女,她俩都有六十五岁上下,是少数几个还能用喉头唱歌的人,这样唱歌就会没几个歌词但却有着丰富的韵律.她们如此的艺术是拜她们周围的寒冷所赐:寒冷迫使她们少说些,但是听得更多些.通过多年致力于威尔士讲故事活动的复兴(回来入用途或存在).1993年Ambrose在威尔士的开始了这一节日,“因为我们这伙人想与传统再次“亲密”,并且所有威尔士人都是讲故事的好手,所以我们要发明这个节日,“Ambrose说.