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英语完成句子 完成句子.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 08:21:52
英语完成句子 完成句子.
1、 我们明天要开会.
2、 注意听,他们在谈论什么?
3、 为什么不评论我们班的同学?
Why not______________________________about our classmates?
4、 记得把那些单词写下来.
Remember to_______________the new words.
5、 最重要的是,科学博物馆是免费的.
_____________________, the Science Museum is free.
6、 他很高兴,因为他终于把那道难题算了出来.
He was very happy because he____________________the problem.
7、 不要往塑料瓶子里装热水.
Don’t______________the plastic bottle___________hot water.
8、 记得遵守实验室里的规则.
Remember________________________in the lab.
9、 英语和数学同样重要.
English is_______________________maths.
10 他们在试验火箭.
They are________________________the rocket.
11 果你跑得不够快,狮子会赶上你.
If you don’t run______________________,the lion will catch you.
12 他已经独自走了.
He has gone_____________________.
13 如果你没被邀请就不能进入.
You________________________enter,if you haven’t been invited.
14 我去上海,哥哥也要去.
I’m going to shanghai and my brother is going_______________
15 我们应该集中注意力工作.
We should__________________________________
16 怪不得这个雕像看起来就像真的一样.
_______________________________the sculpture looks real.
17 我正在找你在澳大利亚拍的照片.
I am looking for photos_______________________________
18 听到这个消息,我们非常吃惊.
We___________________________________________________to news.
Would you like ___________________________________________.
20 这栋楼位于市中心.
This building is____________________________________.
21 你需要帮忙找到她们吗?
Would you like ________________________________________________find them?
22 悉尼歌剧院像一艘巨大的航海船.
The Sydney Opera House__________________________a huge sailing boat.
23 去年我可以看看你的新书吗?
May I ____________________________________your new book?
24 顺便问一下,你要去哪里?
______________________________________,where are you going?
25 这女孩与她妈妈很相似.
The gril_____________________________________________her mother.
Do you have___________________to say?
27 你还要别的什么吗?
_________________________would you like?
28 他们在很多方面和我们很像.
They’re like us________________________________________
The camel_________________________________had a bad temper.
30 这是他们经常去的海滩.
This is the beach_____________________________________
英语完成句子 完成句子.
1、 我们明天要开会.
We (will / are going to) + (have a meeting) tomorrow.
2、 注意听,他们在谈论什么?
(Listen carefully),what (they are talking about)?
3、 为什么不评论我们班的同学?
Why not (make a comment) about our classmates?
4、 记得把那些单词写下来.
Remember to (write/put/note/take down) the new words.
5、 最重要的是,科学博物馆是免费的.
(Above all), the Science Museum is free.
6、 他很高兴,因为他终于把那道难题算了出来.
He was very happy because he (finally/eventually worked/figured out)the problem.
7、 不要往塑料瓶子里装热水.
Don't (fill) the plastic bottle (with) hot water.
8、 记得遵守实验室里的规则.
Remember (to keep/obey/observe the rules) in the lab.
9、 英语和数学同样重要.
English is (as important as) maths.
10 他们在试验火箭.
They are (experimenting on) the rocket.
11 果你跑得不够快,狮子会赶上你.
If you don't run (fast enough), the lion will catch you.
12 他已经独自走了.
He has gone (all alone)/(all by himself).
13 如果你没被邀请就不能进入.
You (won't be able to) enter, if you haven't been invited.
14 我去上海,哥哥也要去.
I'm going to Shanghai and my brother is going (too)/(as well).
15 我们应该集中注意力工作.
We should (concentrate/focus/fix on/upon the work).
16 怪不得这个雕像看起来就像真的一样.
(No wonder) the sculpture looks real.
17 我正在找你在澳大利亚拍的照片.
I am looking for photos (which/that you took in Australia).
18 听到这个消息,我们非常吃惊.
We (were/felt very surprised/astonished/amazed) to hear the news.
19 你需要我帮助做家务吗?
Would you like (me to help with the housework)?
20 这栋楼位于市中心.
This building is (in the middle/center of the city).
21 你需要帮忙找到她们吗?
Would you like (me to help) find them?
22 悉尼歌剧院像一艘巨大的航海船.
The Sydney Opera House (is/looks like) a huge sailing boat.
23 去年我可以看看你的新书吗?
May I (take/have a look at) your new book?
24 顺便问一下,你要去哪里?
(By the way), where are you going?
25 这女孩与她妈妈很相似.
The gril (is/looks very like) her mother.
Do you have (anything else) to say?
27 你还要别的什么吗?
(What other things)/(What else) would you like?
28 他们在很多方面和我们很像.
They're like us (in many ways/aspects).
The camel (that/which I rode) had a bad temper.
30 这是他们经常去的海滩.
This is the beach (where they often go)/(which they ofter go to).
注:/表示可以任意选用前后其一. 原创回答团(第159号会员)