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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 06:21:13
1.国庆节那天,我们班去江体公园野餐,有的人带大米,有的带木材,有的带可口的饭菜。 2.我们骑车去那,找了一块野餐地。男生生炉子,女孩淘米 3.我负责做饭,蒸米饭时,不停的掀开锅盖,同学们嘱咐我不要这样,否则米饭会变坏 4.米饭做好后,同学们都说香甜可口
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解题思路: 写作范文
1.国庆节那天,我们班去江体公园野餐,有的人带大米,有的带木材,有的带可口的饭菜。 2.我们骑车去那,找了一块野餐地。男生生炉子,女孩淘米 3.我负责做饭,蒸米饭时,不停的掀开锅盖,同学们嘱咐我不要这样,否则米饭会变坏 4.米饭做好后,同学们都说香甜可口 On the National Day, we rode to Jiangti Park to have a picnic. Some of us took rice,some took wood and some took delicious dishes.When we got there, we found a place for picnic first ,then boys lighted stove while the girls were washing rice.
I was in charge of cooking rice. While I was cooking ,I uncover the pot constantly, my classmates told me not to do that, otherwise the rice would not be good for eating.When the rice was ok,my classmates all thought it was delicious.