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哈利波特的演讲稿 英文

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哈利波特的演讲稿 英文
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哈利波特的演讲稿 英文
Harry Potter (character)
Harry James Potter (born July 31, 1980) is a fictional character and the protagonist of J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series.
He is the only child of James and Lily Potter. Harry inherited his mother's bright green eyes and his father's perpetually untidy jet-black hair. In his younger years, Harry is described as being small and skinny for his age. His most intriguing physical characteristic is a lightning bolt-shaped scar on his forehead, which he gained when Lord Voldemort attempted to murder baby Harry with a killing curse. Voldemort also killed Harry's parents and destroyed their home on October 31, 1981.
Harry attends Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with his best friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Harry is famous throughout the wizarding world for being the only known person to have survived the Killing Curse and subsequently causing Lord Voldemort's downfall.
In the film adaptations of the series, Harry has been portrayed by Daniel Radcliffe.
Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.
Prior to the Harry Potter novels
Harry is the only child of James and Lily Potter, having inherited his mother's green eyes and his father's untidy black hair. His birthday is July 31, coinciding with Rowling's. According to the most popular timeline of the books, his year of birth would be 1980.
Harry Potter is famous in the wizarding world for having survived a murderous attack when he was just one year old by Lord Voldemort, one of the most powerful and feared wizards ever known and the primary antagonist in the series. Harry's parents were killed in this incident on 31 October 1981 in their home in Godric's Hollow, while protecting Harry from Voldemort. James died first, dueling Voldemort in the entrance hall. Lily's dying act – sacrificing herself to save her son– placed Harry under ancient magic that protected him from Voldemort.
Subsequently, when Voldemort tried to kill Harry, the curse backfired, rebounding on him and leaving him bodiless while Harry survived unscathed, apart from his now-famous lightning bolt-shaped scar on his forehead. Voldemort did not die but lost his powers, and it led to his exile and eventual decline from a position of power and fear in the wizarding world. Ever since, Harry has been heralded as a celebrity – often touted as "The Boy Who Lived" – the only person known to survive Avada Kedavra, the Killing Curse. (Voldemort also survived when the spell rebounded onto him, although its full power may have been diminished.) Many in the wizarding world credit Harry for Voldemort’s downfall.
Despite surviving Voldemort's murder attempt, it isn't until the fifth book that Harry learns why Voldemort lost his powers. In the second book, Harry confirms this fact when he replies to a question asked of him by Tom Riddle:
I don't know why you lost your powers that night, but I know why you couldn't kill me . . .
After his parents' death, Harry was forced to live with his only remaining family–his mother's Muggle sister, Petunia Dursley, and her husband, Vernon, in the small town of Little Whinging, Surrey, England. The Dursleys live at Number Four, Privet Drive in a large, impeccably maintained house and seem moderately well off. However, throughout Harry's first eleven years, they neglect him in favour of their own son, Dudley, and attempting to remove all traces of Harry's magical self to make him 'normal', revealed nothing to him about his past and isolated him from the wizarding world.
Harry is categorised as a half-blood wizard, even though both his parents were magical. His mother Lily (Evans) Potter was Muggle-born, and according to Rowling, to those for whom blood purity matters, a Muggle-born is equivalent to a Muggle - and derogatively referred to as a "Mudblood". [1]
Little is known about Harry's relations. His mother, Lily Evans, was born into a Muggle family, and after the death of his parents, Harry was sent to live with his maternal aunt, Petunia Dursley, and her family. Harry's father, James Potter, was born into a pure-blood wizarding family, to somewhat elderly (by wizarding standards) parents, apparently their only child. It's likely Harry is distantly related to other pure-blood families through his father, as Sirius Black once told him that all the old pure-blood families are related through intermarriage. (See the Black family tree) James and Lily left Harry a large inheritance of wizard money, which he uses for his Hogwarts supplies.
Harry may also be related to his godfather, Sirius Black. James and Sirius may have been first cousins once-removed - not surprising, given the size of the Black family. A Charlus Potter was married to Dorea Black, granddaughter of Phineas Nigellus Black. Some fans speculate that Dorea and Charlus may have been James' parents - however, this seems to contradict Rowling's statements that James' parents were "old in wizarding terms" when they died, because she has also said that wizards have "a much longer life-expectancy than Muggles" (Griselda Marchbanks is known to be over 160) - Dorea died at only 57. However, Charlus and Dorea were born into the same generation as Sirius' grandparents, so it is possible they might be James' parents. Regardless, since no living Potter relatives or any unrelated wizards named Potter have yet appeared in the series, it is possible that Charlus Potter was somehow related to Harry.
For more, see Relatives of Harry Potter.
Life and adventures while at Hogwarts
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
In Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, eleven-year-old Harry learns he is wizard when Rubeus Hagrid, the gamekeeper at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and aide to Headmaster Albus Dumbledore, hand-delivers his invitation to attend Hogwarts. Previous letters from the school were blocked by his non-magical aunt and uncle, the Dursleys, who want nothing to do with magic. Hagrid tells Harry about his magical background and his fame in the wizarding community, although Harry soon learns to dislike his celebrity that causes many people to fawn over him or be resentful.
Harry soon begins his studies at Hogwarts and is sorted into Gryffindor House. He quickly becomes friends with Ron Weasley, and eventually Hermione Granger. Draco Malfoy, who has been sorted into Slytherin, becomes Harry's archnemesis. Harry shares his dormitory with Ron, Neville Longbottom, Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas. Harry's first year is marked by many events, such as being chosen as the new seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch team due to his natural flying abilities. He is the youngest player in a century.
Evil wizard, Lord Voldemort has secretly emerged from hiding, returning to the wizarding world to seek the Philosopher's Stone in his quest to regain a physical body and immortality. Using Hogwarts Defence against the Dark Arts Professor Quirrell as a host body, Voldemort searches for the stone at the school. Voldemort is thwarted by Harry, with help from Ron and Hermione, and—unable to defeat Harry and seize the Stone—the Dark Lord flees, leaving Quirrell to die. After completing his first year at Hogwarts, Harry returns to the Dursleys knowing for the first time that there are people who care about him, and he now has a place to call “home.”
There is a difference in how the film version treats Harry's climactic struggle with Quirrell/Voldemort for the Stone. In the book, Quirrell is blistered and burned as a result of the magical protection provided by Lily Potter when he assaults Harry while attempting to seize the Stone from him; Harry manages to retain the Stone and is saved by Dumbledore, resulting in Voldemort escaping and leaving Quirrell to die. In the film version, Quirrell's body turns to ash and disintegrates (resulting in death) as a direct result of the struggle with Harry; Voldemort flees Quirrell's remains, injuring Harry in the process. Although Harry's actions were clearly in self-defence and justified in both versions, and whilst the effects were caused by the protection charm from Lily Potter (rather than any direct desire to kill on Harry's part), the death of Quirrell in the film is directly caused by Harry, rather than by Voldemort (as it is in the book).