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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 01:46:28
Authentic Japanese chicken curriesand rice(正宗日式咖喱鸡饭)Material: chicken, potatoes, carrots, Onions, apples and tomatoes, curry (preferably dark blocks, light color powder, taste of a bit weak(材料:鸡胸肉,土豆,胡萝卜,洋葱,苹果,西红柿,咖喱(最好是深色块状的,浅色粉末的味道有点淡),盐 Methods: 1. Chop chicken in a saucepan, put oil, fry until eight points.(做法:1.鸡胸肉切块,在汤锅里放少量油,炒至8分熟.)
2. Potatoes, carrots, Onions piece. In a saucepan, add in the direct of potatoes, onion and carrots block in cooking. Boil it later put curry powder, salt, lest while not salty.(2.土豆,胡萝卜,洋葱切块.在汤锅里直接加水,把土豆,洋葱和胡萝卜块放进去煮.煮开以后放咖喱粉,先不要放盐,免得一会儿咸.)
3. Apples and tomatoes will tear KaiGuo, see the put in.(3.苹果和西红柿也要切块,看开锅了放进去.)
4. Because the potato starch content high, do not need to separate flour. Until sticky when compared to put salt, stir well. See potatoes cooked, remove to a boil, and poured on rice to eat.(4.因为土豆淀粉含量高,不需要单独勾芡.等到比较黏稠的时候放盐调味,搅拌均匀.看看土豆煮得比较烂,熄火,出锅,浇在饭上吃.) 楼主要的是这样的吗?