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这源于卡尔.萨根卓越的双重身份 - 他既是一位普利策奖得主的文学家,又是一位真正的科学家.以下是一段生平摘录:

“卡尔·萨根(Carl Sagan)(1934-1996),是美国康奈尔大学行星研究中心主任、大卫邓肯天文和太空科学研究会教授、加州理工学院喷气推进实验室出色的科学家.他同时还是世界性的太空研究组织、美国行星研究学会的创始人之一和会长.卡尔·萨根博士不仅仅是一名杰出的、做出了许多重要贡献的天文学家,更是一位功勋卓著的科普大师,他的优秀科普作品《伊甸园的飞龙》曾获美国普利策奖,这是美国国家科学院对他在公众理解科学领域中所作出的成就的最高奖励.他还是康耐尔大学“大卫·邓肯”教席的天文学与空间科学教授及行星研究实验室的主任.
萨根是空间探索的积极拥护者,他对绝大多数探索太阳系的无人探测计划均有贡献.其中包括最先拍到火星的细节照片、证明那是一颗荒凉贫瘠行星的“水手9号”飞船; 在火星表面寻找生命的“海盗号”轨道器(其任务并不成功)与着陆装置;第一次揭示太阳外围行星及其卫星奥秘的“先驱者”与“旅行者”号探测器;还有正在传回极其清晰的木星和木星卫星图像的“伽利略”号飞船.
在萨根的职业生涯中,他一直赞同寻找地外生命迹象的工作的重要性.在康耐尔大学,他开创了“外空生物学”的新领域——这是研究可能的外星生物化学和生命形态的学科.他曾设计过一块包含地球人的问候信息的金属板,这块金属板正随“先驱者”10号飞船飞向星际空间(还有两张更复杂的刻录唱片正随两艘“旅行者”号飞往其它恒星).萨根与多方面的的合作者(包括哈佛大学的Paul Horowitz)一道支持利用射电天文望远镜“倾听”天外信号的计划——这些信号可能源自外星智慧文明.”

这就是这位出现在影片最末星空右下角的那个字幕"to carl" 的背后精彩的人生故事.让我们对这位在96年因骨髓癌去世的科学家肃然起敬的不只是他故事里精彩的科学演绎,最重要的是充满了整个故事的人对真理探索的强烈渴望、好奇心和勇气,像不灭的火炬,使人愿意付出无论怎样的代价,哪怕是未知的命运,是最珍贵的感情,甚至是生命.

This is a reality and fantasy are very two-axis tension story. In reality, this is basically an online discussion of the theme of religion and science game (that is, occurred in this experiment on the earth the whole story, and the resulting variety of human beliefs and emotional effects), while in the fantasy of this online talking about the future contact us and an unknown alien technology, prospects and sense (that is, that 18 hours without a proven wormhole trip). Carl in these two lines. Sagan's original offer for the film are wonderful script basis.
This stems from Karl. Sagan excellent double identity - he is both a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer, but also a true scientist. The following are extracts from a life:
"Carl Sagan (Carl Sagan) (1934-1996), is a Cornell University planetary research director of the Center, David Duncan Professor of Astronomy and Space Science Research, California Institute of Technology Jet Propulsion Laboratory outstanding scientists. He also Space Research Organization, or worldwide, the United States Planetary Society's co-founder and president. Dr. Carl Sagan is not only an outstanding and made many important contributions to the astronomers, but also a meritorious master of science, and his outstanding works of science, "the Garden of Eden Dragon" won the U.S. Pulitzer Prize, which is the U.S. National Academy of Sciences for his understanding of science in the public areas of the achievements made by the highest reward. He is Cornell University "David Duncan," a teaching professor of astronomy and space science and planetary research lab director.
Sagan was an active advocate of space exploration, he was exploring the vast majority of the solar system exploration program have contributed to no one. These include the details of the first photograph of Mars pictures to prove that it is a desolate barren planet, "Mariner 9" spaceship; in the surface of Mars looking for life, "Viking" Orbiter (its task was not successful) and the landing gear; for the first time reveal the mysteries of solar planets and their satellites outside the "pioneers" and "Voyager" probe; there are very clear return of satellite images of Jupiter and Jupiter, "Galileo" spacecraft.
Sagan's work changed our planet in the universe location awareness. , He reasoned, because of the strong greenhouse effect, Venus has a surface hot in fact terrible - the past people had thought that there might be a pleasant climate in place. He also pointed out that the complexity of the universe, there is a large number of carbon-based chemical composition may be in other primitive life forms. Sagan was also collected Titan's atmosphere and life, there is a similar group evidence of organic molecules. This work has been the 20th century, 80 years of "Voyager" was an excellent probe to confirm.
In Sagan's career, he has agreed to find signs of extraterrestrial life importance of the work. At Cornell University, he created the "exobiology" in the new field - This is a study of possible extraterrestrial biochemistry and life forms of the subjects. He has designed over a person's greeting message that contains the Earth's metal plate, this piece of metal plates being with the "Pioneer" 10 spacecraft flying in interstellar space (and two more complex with the two recording labels are "travelers "was to fly to other stars). Sagan with a wide range of collaborators (including Harvard's Paul Horowitz) support the use of a radio telescope, "listen" to the outer signal of the program - the wisdom of these signals may have come from extraterrestrial civilizations. "
This is the last Star appears in the lower right corner of that movie subtitles "to carl" the story behind the wonderful life. Let us be in 96 years, who died of bone marrow cancer, scientists awe of not only his wonderful story of scientific interpretation, the most important thing is the whole story is full of people's strong desire to explore the truth, curiosity and courage, like the eternal torch that people are willing to pay whatever price, even the fate of the unknown is the most precious feelings, or even life.
The last question, the twinkling of an eye are all 10 years, I forgot to Jodie Foster, so a pair of the most beautiful green eyes.