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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 03:37:07
我正在学英语,老是搞不清哪些是介词,只知道 on in for of at 什么的,并大慨说明一下这些介词怎样正确使用.好的答案我将追加100分.
使用方法:如果你和一个人一起去做一个事情,就要用WITH,比如I will eat with you.如果是一般的点名,我与你,就是You and Me.
On ,On top of the desk,桌子上面
In,In my wallet 在我钱包里
For,I bought it for you 我这个给你买的
Of,She is best out of all students 她是学生里面最好的
At,Don't laugh at me 别笑话我
From,i got it from my mom 我从我妈妈那里得到的
Behind,hide behind the tree 藏在树后面
About,What is it about?这个讲/关于什么?
After,line up after him 在他后面排队
Below,answer questions below回答下面问题
Toward,she walks toward me她向我走来
Against,Lean against the wall靠在墙上
Beneath,its beneath the table 在桌子底下
Between,A number between 4-7 四到七中间的数字
Into,i swim into the deep ocean 我向海深处游去
Among,she's the youngest among my daughters.她在我女儿中是最小的.
Along,walk along the road.沿着这条路走.
With,I will go with you 我和你一起走.
Outside,outside it is snowing 外面正在下雪
Inside,it is so warm inside!里面好暖和哈!
Until,i slept until 10am.我一直睡到早上10点
Above,birds fly above you 鸟在你上空飞翔
Over,Over here!这里!
Without,i can't live without you没有你我无法生存.
Under,Don't hide under the table 别在桌子底下捉迷藏.
Before,before she came 在她来之前
Since,I will take it since no one wants it 既然没人要,我就拿走了
Through,walk through 穿过
During,don't cheat during the exam!在考试当中不要作弊!
Near,it should be somewhere near by 应该在附近
To,i sent an email to her我给她发了邮件