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英语翻译“Dox,you are a very old dog,"said Policeman Joe."Today y

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 02:17:44
“Dox,you are a very old dog,"said Policeman Joe."Today you are13years ild,But you are still the best police dog in the world!”“ARF,ARF!"barked Dox,"Now let's get your birthday dinner,"said Joe."Show me where you want to eat."Dox led Joe down the street,Good smells came from all the eating places,but Dox walked on.At last he stopped at a door.He smelled around the door and then pushed it open."Is this where you want to ear?"asked Joe,but Dox did not answer.He put his nose to the floor and ran across the room.Then he junped on a man at a table."Good boy,Dox!"said Joe."We have looked for this robber for six years,And now you have found him!"Dox and Joe took the robber to the police station,Then Joe said,"All right,Dox,you have done your work.Now do you want that birthday dinner?""ARF!"barked Dox."ARF!ARF!"Let's go,"said Joe."I'mhungry,too."
英语翻译“Dox,you are a very old dog,
“多克斯,你是条老狗了”警察乔伊说道,“到今天,你都已经13岁了,但你还是这世界上最好的警犬”,多克斯“汪,汪”的叫着,“现在,我们来一起吃你的生日晚餐吧”乔伊说,“来,告诉我你想在哪儿吃?”.多克斯领着乔伊沿着街道走着,两边的餐厅里不停的飘来香味,但多克斯只是一直往前走.最后,它停在了一扇门前.它在门边嗅了嗅,然后推开了门.“这儿就是你想吃饭的地方吗?”乔伊问道,但多克斯并不回答他.它把鼻子靠着地面,跑着穿过房子.然后突然跳到了桌子边一个人的身上.“好孩子,多克斯”乔伊说,“我们找了这个抢劫犯6年了,现在你找着他了!”多克斯和乔伊把抢劫犯带回了警察局.然后,乔伊说“好了,多克斯,你已经出色地完成了你的任务,现在你想吃生日餐了吗?”“汪汪”,多克斯叫道“汪、汪” “走吧”乔伊说“我也饿了”