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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/01 12:22:17
常州恐龙园又被称为“东方侏罗纪公园”,它坐落于常州新区旅游休闲区内,筹建于1997年,目前占地500余亩,是一座以恐龙为主题,融博物、科普、娱乐、休闲及表演于一体的综合性游乐园。 圆区的核心部分中华恐龙馆是迄今为止国内收藏展示中国系列恐龙化石最为集中的专题博物馆.
Changzhou Dinosaur Park is also known as "Oriental Jurassic Park", which is located in Changzhou New Area, tourism and leisure areas, build in 1997, now covering more than 500 acres and is in a dinosaur theme and into museum, popular science, entertainment, Leisure and an integrated performance of the amusement park. The core of the circular area of China Dinosaur Museum is by far the domestic collection of dinosaur fossils show China's most concentrated series of thematic museums.