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跪求像"hey man"这样很街头化的短语,越多越好.有运动场合用来挑衅的口语也行.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/09 21:27:28
跪求像"hey man"这样很街头化的短语,越多越好.有运动场合用来挑衅的口语也行.
all shook up 张皇失措
What did he say to her?She's all shook up.
A [ei] -OK 情况顺利 ,进行良好
He was A-OK after the surgery.
a leg up 占上风
All Jeff's hard work is paying off.He's a leg up on the rest of his competitors.
Jeff 的 努 力 没 有 白 费,他在竞争对手中占了上风.
a new breed of 新生代
America is experiencing a new breed of ambitious and educated young businessmen.
across the board 全盘的; 全面的
Everyone in the corporation received an across the board increase in salary.
act up 胡闹; 出毛病
I was late to work this morning because the car acted up and wouldn't start.
ad-lib 即兴而作,随口编
The comedian ad-libbed most of his routine.
add insult to injury 越 搞 越 糟; 越 描 越 黑
Her awkward attempt to explain her error merely added insult to injury.
ahead of the game 领 先; 占 优 势
Marsha got ahead of the game by finishing her work early.
airbrain / airhead 呆 子
Joyce can't understand anything.She's such an airbrain.
all ears 全 神 贯 注
Whenever you tell Johnny some gossip,he's all ears.
每 当 你 说 闲 话 给 乔 尼 听 时,他 总 是 全 神 贯 注.
all hell broke loose 一 团 糟
When the flood hit,all hell broke loose.
all right already 好 啦 好 啦
All right already,I'm coming!
好 啦 好 啦,我 来 了!
all the way 毫 无 保 留
I'll back her all the way.
我 会 自 始 至 终 支 持 她 的.
all thumbs 笨 手 笨 脚 的; 笨 拙 的
I'm all thumbs when it comes to sewing.
说 起 做 女 红,我 是 非 常 笨 拙 的.
all wet 错 误 的
I'm afraid your idea is all wet.
我 想 你 的 想 法 是 不 对 的.
all-out 尽 力,全 力 以 赴
The team made an all-out effort to win the game.
这 支 队 伍 全 力 以 赴 赢 得 比 赛.
along for the ride 随 着 他 人 走,看 看
Don't mind me.I'm just along for the ride.
别 管 我,我 只 是 看 看 而 已.
an arm and a leg 昂 贵 的 价 格
This furniture cost me an arm and a leg .
这 件 家 具 花 了 我 一 大 笔 钱 .
antsy 焦 躁 不安
After waiting around for so long,Paul started to get antsy.
等 了 这 么 久,保 罗 开 始 焦 躁 不 安.