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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 00:26:23
你说是有人这样说你,我觉得是有多种可能,要看他在什么情况下说你的.如果是在你俩谈话中间她说你rot,那么他的意思可能是不大相信你的话,说你是在胡说.如果他是对于你目前的状况来说,可能是在说你现在比较堕落,颓废,不求上进. 下面是我找到的关于rot的解释,你可以好好看看. 简明英汉词典 rot [rCt] v. (使)腐烂, (使)腐败 n. 腐烂, 腐败 美国传统词典[双解] rot rot AHD:[r?t] D.J.[r%t] K.K.[r$t] v.(动词) rot.ted, rot.ting, rots v.intr.(不及物动词) (1) To undergo decomposition, especially organic decomposition; decay. 腐烂:尤指器官的分解;腐坏 (2) To become damaged, weakened, or useless because of decay: 因腐烂而变损坏、软弱或无用: The beams had rotted away. 横梁已经腐朽了 (3) To disappear or fall by decaying: 腐烂:因腐烂而消失或脱落: One could see the blackened areas where the branches had rotted off. 人们可以在污秽肮脏的地区看见树枝因腐烂而脱落 (4) To languish; decline: 消瘦,憔悴:失去活力;走向毁灭: “He was thrown into one of Napoleon's dungeons and left to rot”(Michael Massing) “他被投入拿破仑的监狱,在那儿日渐憔悴”(迈克尔·马辛) (5) To decay morally; become degenerate. 堕落:道德上腐败;变得颓废 v.tr.(及物动词) To cause to decompose or decay.See Synonyms at decay 使分解或腐化参见 decay n.(名词) (1) The process of rotting or the condition of being rotten: 腐烂:腐败的过程或变得腐烂的状态: The rot spread quickly, rendering the bridge unsafe even for pedestrians. 桥上腐烂的部分迅速扩展开来,连行人走在上面都不安全 (2) Foot rot. 腐烂的食物 (3) See liver fluke 参见liver fluke (4) Any of several plant diseases characterized by the breakdown of tissue and caused by various bacteria or fungi. 枯病:一种由各种细菌或霉菌引起的组织衰弱的植物病 (5) Pointless talk; nonsense: 胡话:无要点的谈话;废话: She always talks such rot. 她总是讲这种废话 (6) Archaic Any disease causing the decay of flesh. 【古语】 腐蚀病,消耗性疾病:任一种使肉体腐烂的疾病 interj.(感叹词) Used to express annoyance, contempt, or impatience. 胡说,混蛋,糟了:用来表示恼怒、蔑视或不耐烦 现代英汉词典 rot [rRt] vi., vt. -tt- (1) 腐烂;枯朽 The ripe fruit began to rot when no one came to pick it. 没有人来摘这些成熟的水果,它们已经开始烂了. (2) 弄坏,毁坏 (3) 胡说 词性变化 rot n. (1) 腐朽;腐烂 a tree full of rot 一棵朽树 (2) 胡说;荒唐的想法 Don't talk rot! 别胡说! 习惯用语 the rot sets in 情况开始出毛病;事情开始走下坡 现代英汉综合大辞典 rot [rCt] vi. (rotted, rotting) (1) 腐烂[败]; 堕落 (2) (在狱中等)消瘦, 憔悴 (3) [俚][用进行时态]开玩笑; 讲挖苦话 The flowers rotted off. 花凋谢了. He was only rotting. 他不过是开玩笑. 词性变化 rot vt. (1) 使腐朽[烂], 使枯萎 (2) 沤制(亚麻等) (3) 糟蹋, 弄糟; 完全破坏(计划等) (4) [英俚]讽刺, 挖苦 rot the whole plan 打乱整个计划 Oil and grease will rot the rubber of the tyre. 油污会腐蚀轮胎的橡胶. rot n. (1) 腐烂; 腐败; 堕落 (2) 腐烂[朽]的现象 (3) 【植】腐烂病; 【医】肝双盘吸虫病; [the rot]羊肝蛭病 (4) [俚]废话; 蠢事; 荒唐 (5) 一连串的失败 Rot has set in. 开始腐烂了. lt is perfect rot to trust him. 信任他简直是荒唐. His speech was all rot. 他的讲演全是胡扯. 习惯用语 dry rot (1) (植物)枯萎 (2) (社会)内部腐败 Rot it! 该死! 糟糕! talk rot 胡说八道, 胡话 The rot sets in. 事情节节失利; 倒霉的事情不断发生. tommy rot [俚]胡说, 瞎说