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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 08:23:23
解题思路: (语篇导读:美国人如何教育孩子管好钱。给孩子们一些理财建议。)
同学,你好! 答疑如下:
Debt among young Americans is increasing. Are they ignoring their parents’ advice, or are the parents failing to teach their children about money? Here are a few simple lessons that children as young as seven or eight can understand. 美国年轻人的债务在增加。是他们忽视了他们的父母的建议,或者是父母没有教他们的孩子关于钱的知识?这里有一些简单的道理,七或八岁儿童就能够理解。 Firstly, save before you buy. When you receive money you should immediately save some of it, maybe 20%. After this, spend what you want. Secondly, watch your money. Don’t trust other people with it. Don’t lend money and don’t try to buy friends. If friends want your money, they aren’t real friends. Another piece of advice: buy only what you can afford. If that MP5 player or cell phone costs more than you have, then you don’t need it. Don’t borrow money for it, either. If you really want something, you can save for it. Saving teaches discipline. Also, after you have saved up enough money, you may realize you don’t really want it after all. Finally, don’t compare your possessions with your friends’ possessions. 首先,在你购买之前存钱。当你收到钱,你应该立即节省一些,也许20%。在这之后,花钱买你想要的。其次,注意你的钱。不要相信其他的人用它。不要把钱借给朋友,不要花钱买朋友。如果你的朋友想要你的钱,他们不是真正的朋友。另一个建议:只买你能买得起。如果说那个MP5播放器或手机价钱超过你所有,那么你就不需要。也不要借钱买它。如果你真的想要某个东西,你可以存钱买它。节省教纪律。另外,当你存了足够的钱,你可能意识到你不是真的想要它。最后,不要将你的东西与你的朋友的财产做比较。 There is an old saying: “Give a person a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a person how to fish and he will eat for the rest of his life.” This is also true when we teach our children about money. Don’t lecture your children or buy them everything they want. Teach them good habits and they will always look after their money. 有句谚语说:“给人一条鱼,他会吃一天。教人如何钓鱼,他可以吃一辈子。”教育孩子管好钱也是如此。不要训斥你的孩子或购买他们想要的一切。教他们养成良好的生活习惯,他们总是会照顾他们的钱。