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选择something anything nothing everything填空

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 16:18:41
选择something anything nothing everything填空
  ——is ready.Let is have dinner.
We have got——in the fridge.So we have to go to he supermarket.
He says that he will do——for his family.
选择someone anyone noone everyone填空
Is——here?  No,——is absent form school.
Is there——in the house?   No,there is——in the house.
You are waiting for——.are not you?   No,I am not waiting for——.
Does——want to have a try?
——wants to go there.It is too dangerous.
选择something anything nothing everything填空
1 Everything 一切都准备好了,我们开始吃晚餐吧.
2 nothing 冰箱里没有东西了,我们得去超市买点.
3 everything 他说他愿为他的家庭付出一切.
1 everyone ,someone 所有人都在这里吗?不,有人没来上学.
2 anyone ,no one 房子里有人吗?没有,房子里一个人也没有.
3 someone anyone 你在等人,不是吗?不,我没等任何人.
4 someone 有人想试一下吗?
5 No one 没有人想去那里,那里太危险了.