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英语翻译DIALOGUE 1 A:Why is it that some people are always buyin

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 12:35:59
A:Why is it that some people are always buying beyond their means?I mean,they do not make that much and spend half of their incomes on designer clothes as such.
B:My theory is that insecure people need to wear famous brand clothing to feel good.
C:Yes!They want people to know that they are good enough to afford the best.
A:Well,I don't agree that name brands are just for the insecure.I mean,I like my designer clothes too.I do think designer shoes are more comfortable.
C:So,you buy designer shoes for comfort?How about those ridiculous designer sweaters that have holes in them and shoes that have 2.5cm heels?
B:Hah~And those funny hats!You surely aren't saying that these things are functional.
A:i disagree.Most designer and brand-name items are actually not useless.What you see on the catwalks are just the extremes.What you find in the stores is more functional.
B:And not much less expensive!So don't tell me that you're into designer stuff.
A:Like I said,some things are worth spending the money on,like stylish but comfortable shoes.But I wouldn't get designer underwear,for example.I mean,for one pair of brand-name underwear,Ican buy 10 pairs of sturdy cotton underwear at the market and just throw them into the wash and not be heartbroken if they change color.But I'd buy a brand-name washing machine because I believe they work longer.
A:Hey,that's a beautiful bag you've got!Is it genuine Louis Vuitton?
B:No,are you kidding?I can't afford the real thing.It's a fake that I got at a street market on the cheap.
C:But don't you feel bad supporting pirates?I mean pirated stuff undercuts companies which produce the real things.
B:So should we all drive Ferraris?There are those who can afford to and those who can't.Those who can't buy a cheaper sports car and paint it Ferrari-red.Pirated stuff is for those too poor to afford the real thing.
C:I think it is illegal.
B:What?Illegal to want to look good?
A:No,illegal to own,sell and above all,manufacture fakes.It's like copyright - if you author a book,you don't want someone else to print and sell it for their own profits,do you?
B:I see what you mean about books,but if I write a novel,I hope it's read by as many people as possible so I price it so that it's accessible to the most.But designer luxury items are priced beyond most people's means - they are not intended for the general public but for the elite few.And that's why I don't care about supporting pirated luxury items.
C:What aoubt pirated textbooks?A photocopy of the original at a tenth of the price?Would you buy that?Furthermore,what about music?I mean CDs and the like?
B:Um,I guess you're right there.It's not fair to exploit the work of other authors and producers.But I still wish they wouldn't price their products so high.
英语翻译DIALOGUE 1 A:Why is it that some people are always buyin