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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 07:00:32
One time every month my village has a basketball game.Our village plays basketball with another village.It is quite fun.In the center of our village is a big building where we play basketball.Our basketball team is quite good.Our village is not very big.We do not have a lot of people,but we have one boy named Lenny who is the tallest boy in the village.He is the best player on the team.He is tall,strong and fast.If our village did not have Lenny,our basketball team would not be very good,but because we have him,we are very good.Lenny also always has a big smile.He is very popular.All of the girls love him,and all the boys want to be his friends.He is the most popular boy in the village.We all love Lenny.Our village is called “Happy Town”,but we are thinking of changing the name.We want to call our village “Lenny Town”.
( )1.How often do they have a basketball game?
A Once a week B Once a month C Once a year D Every day
( )2.Why is their team very good?
A Because their village is big.B Because they play it every day.
C Because they have Lenny.D Because they have many people.
( )3.What do they think of Lenny?
A He is the tallest.B He is the best player.
C He is the most popular.D A,B and C
( )4.Where do they play basketball?
A In a big building B In another village C In the school D Near the village.
( )5.Which is right of the following sentences?
A Lenny is the tallest,strongest and the fastest of the village
B If they don’t have Lenny ,their team won’t be very good
C The girls love Lenny,but the boys don’t like him.
D Their village is named “Lenny Town”.
1、B 很明显第一句就说了是一个月一次
2、C 第5行到第6行有一段话:If our village did not have Lenny,our basketball team would not be very good.就是说没有Lenny,我们组就不可能那么厉害了
3、D 中间一大段介绍Lenny的都是说他怎么好怎么好,就包括了3点:高,壮,快
4、A 第2行有一句话:It is quite fun.In the center of our village is a big building where we play basketball.也就是说他们在一个大建筑里玩球了
5、B 这道题A错.因为文中只说了他是最高的,虽然他也有快和壮的特点,但是没说他是最快最壮的.C中所说的内容并没有在文中被提及,这种无中生有的是错的.
D中,虽然说作者希望把村子名称改为Lenny Town,但是这仅仅是希望而已,并没有成真,所以错.B选项正确,着不是和第二题一样的嘛- -