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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 22:35:46
How Television Has Changed Read the incomplete passage and choose the best option to complete it.You really have to get very old before you realize you’re old.I’m in my middle fifties and I don’t feel old yet.However,sometimes I look back at my childhood and ___1___ things to the way life is for ___2___ kids.Some things have certainly changed.One area of change is television.Some changes have been improvements.Some changes,on the other hand,have been ___3___.When I started school,most people didn’t have a television; TV was just beginning to get ___4___.My father decided to go all out and buy a 16 inch black and white Motorola set.I still remember watching the Lone Ranger save people from the ___5___ guys on that awesome electronic machine.That was exciting!Now,___6___ have larger pictures in full color.The pictures are clearer and the sound is much more realistic.The new high definition sets are made to rival ___7___ screens.The variety and quantity of programming has ___8___ greatly.There are hundreds of channels and more shows than one person could ever watch.There are many fine entertainment and educational ___9___.There’s also a lot of garbage,stuff that most parents don’t want their kids exposed to.Overall,we have more choices,and that is good.I wonder what ___10___ will be like when today’s kids are my age.1.A.forget B.remember C.compare D.miss 2.A.today's B.yesterday's C.tomorrow's D.poor 3.A.great B.huge C.setbacks D.remarkable 4.A.gone B.replaced C.expensive D.popular 5.A.old B.good C.bad D.best 6.A.films B.movies C.billboards D.televisions 7.A.movie B.video C.watch D.telephone 8.A.loss B.increased C.decreased D.played 9.A.books B.shows C.authors D.awards 10.A.movies B.food C.cars D.television
1.C compare 固定搭配compare ... to...意思是拿什么跟什么比较,文中说的是拿作者的童年生活与现在孩子的生活作比较

2.A today's 前一句说到作者是中年人了,再结合第一题的解释,就可以选出答案

3.C setbacks 注意到"on the other hand”,意思是相反.因此找到前面所说的"improvements",意思是发生的变化得到改善.所以选择C,是挫折失败的意思

4.D popular 前一句说到当时大部分人都没有电视.后来父亲买来了电视,引来了很多人看电视.说明电视开始受欢迎了

5.C bad 固定搭配save from意思是把什么从什么就救出来.从后文说那些孩子沉迷于电子游戏机可知

6.D televisions 由文章的第一句可知,文章讲的是关于电视的事情

7.C watch 新的高配置物件是用作有竞争力的观看屏幕

8.B increased 句子说的是电视节目的数量与质量得到了很大的提升.可由下文提及" hundreds of channels "、"There are many fine "得知

9.B shows 节目

10.D television 句子意思是:我在想现在的孩子到了我的年龄的时候,电视会变成什么样子呢

