作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 12:18:48
1.我们在这儿拍照,你介意吗(mind)2.这些书我们必须在本周内归还吗(must,return)3.我相信通过大量的时间,你的听说能力会有很大的提高(raise)4.我们是否去参加那个讲座?没关系(matter,lecture)5.以前他父亲经常骑自行车上班,现在买了辆新车.(used to do)6.我的数码相机坏了,今天我要送去修理.(have sth repaired)7.你的电视机已经用了十多年了,它不值得再修.(be worth doing)8.到那个月末尾,学生们在教学楼周围已经肿了50多棵树.(by the end of)9.地板正在尤其,请勿入内.(paint)10.听英语广播对我们英语学习很有好处.(do good to)11.我们应到阻止学生们浪费粮食.(prevent.from doing)12.没有知识和能力,你是很难找到一份你想要的工作.(hardly)
1. Would you mind us taking photos here ?2.Must we return these books in this week ?3.I think your listening and speaking skills will raise though a lot of time.4.Share we go to the lecture ? It doesn't matter.5.His father used to go to work by bike, now he buys a new car.6.I have my camera repaired today.7.Your televison has been used for ten years, which is not worth being repaired.8.By the end of that month, students have planted more than 50 trees around the teaching building.9.The floor is being painted, please don't enter.10.Listening to English radio is good to study English for us.11.We should precent students from wasting food.12.Without knowledge and ability, you can hardly find a job that you want.