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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/08 02:22:28
1,他所做的事增加了我们的困难 2,她似乎是有意地做这些事 3,即使我这次失败了,我还要再试试 4,听到这么大的声音,这个孩子与其说害怕到不如说吃惊 5,他告诉我是丽丽站在那儿读书 6,听到这个消息他迫不及待的要离开 7,你们决定好要到哪里度假了吗? 8,他坚决主张应立即开始这项工作 9,太重了,你提不起来 10,我出去了,门开着
朋友 我都翻译出来拉 你自己看看啊`.1 what he's done makes our trouble bigger.
what he did terrible dame increase our difficulties.2 She seems to be intended to do these things3 even if i fail this time,i would try again 4 To hear such a big voice,the child is not so much fear into the rather surprising
5 He told I was standing there reading Lili
6 Heard the news that he can not wait to leave7 You decide where to go to a good vacation it?8 He insisted that work should begin immediately9 Too heavy,you do not mention them10 I went out the door open