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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/28 01:19:38
The Importance of Education
As mentioned in the article that some parents have not yet known how to educate their children, so that the Improper education, however, has impacted in every aspect.
For all I know, children are future flowers of motherland and education is so important that children can't go without it when they grow up. It's just the opposite of their wish and not worth their effort that parents lavish so much care on their children's scores, which, I wonder whether they know or not, has invisibly brought children about heavy pressures and burdens. In this case, not only can the score not be improved, but harm shall be done to children's
physical and emotional health, so that inferiority complex, diffidence and timidity should appear step by step.
In a word, if you want to love him, just love him well.
再问: 谢谢再请翻译以下短语:似曾相识、有什么好了不起的、中饱私囊、轻装上阵、好可爱啊、这是我非常向往的生活、物以类聚、首先要自己看的起自己、别给自己太大压力、不要钻牛角尖好吗、加油为自己争口气、这是一件和平常的事情。 thank you!!!! I will content it !!!
再答: 似曾相识:to seem to have met before 有什么好了不起的:it's not a big deal! 中饱私囊:to line one's own pockets 或 to feather one's own nest. 轻装上阵:travel light \ go into battle with a light pack 好可爱啊:so lovely \ so cute \ how lovely \how cute 这是我非常向往的生活:It is the life I desire terribly 物以类聚:Birds of a feather flock together \ Things of one kind come together \ like attracts like 首先要自己看的起自己: above all, one should respect onself 别给自己太大压力: Don't stress onerself out 不要钻牛角尖好吗: Don't Chase dead ends, ok? 加油为自己争口气:Come on! Fight for yourself 这是一件和平常的事情:It is such a common thing(或matter)