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怎么用英文概括ant bully

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/27 08:20:50
怎么用英文概括ant bully
怎么用英文概括ant bully
This is a great ant.Even though it is small,but appearances are deceptive.It keeps rules by force of dictators,other ants are fear of him.
再问: 能说下中文吗?这可是部电影啊,只这么短吗?
再答: 不好意思,我不知道是电影。译文:这是一只强大的蚂蚁,别看它小,但是蚁不可貌相,它有自己的一套规则, 其他的蚂蚁们都害怕它
再问: 可是要电影的,怎么办,不然我明天会被老师K啊
再答: 你先用中文把电影内容大概描述一下,5句话以内吧
再问: 小男孩卢卡斯最近正经历着人生“最”痛苦的事情,刚搬到陌生的新家,在学校没交到一个朋友,更糟糕的是,他还成了邻居小霸王史蒂夫欺负的对象!   卢卡斯只好把怒气全出在后院的蚁丘身上,他用水枪制造蚂蚁王国的一场大洪水,破坏蚂蚁们的家园。可卢卡斯不知道的是,他眼中的“愚蠢小蚂蚁”却拥有一个完整齐备的王国,蚂蚁们经过审判商讨,要让卢卡斯受到教训。结果他被变成了蚂蚁,但在最后她领悟人生真正意义,拯救蚂蚁家族
再答: A little boy lucas is experiencing painful.He just moved to a new house where could not make a friend, and what's more , he was teased by his new neighbour--the little caesar Steves . The poor boy took out his frustrations on the anthill. He started a flood to destroy ants'homeland by a hydraulic giant,But there is one thing he never knew ,the stupid ants possess a kingdom with intact equipment,after discussing,they decided to give him a lesson.Lucas became an ant and understood the true meaning of life.In the end ,he saved the ant family.