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英语翻译Vehicle routing and emissionsThe vehicle routing and sch

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 22:22:48
Vehicle routing and emissions
The vehicle routing and scheduling problem (VRSP) concerns the determination of
routes and schedules for a fleet of vehicles to satisfy the demands of a set of customers.
The VRSP includes the CVRP as the simplest case.There is not much literature
that links VRSP models with the Green Logistics issues that have been discussed
in the previous section.Most articles are concerned with objectives of minimizing
economic costs.Commercial software is also designed to provide feasible solutions
that will minimize economic costs.Many software vendors claim that the use of their
VRSP package will result in economic benefits for their customers from reductions
in the number of vehicles required and distance traveled compared with traditional
manual methods.A recent survey of VRSP software packages has been published in
OR/MS Today (2006).
The reduction in total distance will in itself provide environmental benefits due to
the reduction in fuel consumed and the consequent pollutants.However this is generally
not measured or emphasized.Palmer (2004) has studied the connection between
vehicle routing and emission in the context of grocery home delivery vehicles.
There are some examples in the literature where there are some links between VRSP
and the reduction of environmental pollution.These links may not be direct and such
issues are discussed in the following subsections.
“Classical” vehicle routing and scheduling models aim to minimize cost (usually
related to the number of vehicles and distance).This will also provide some environmental
benefit compared with solutions that use unnecessary distance (because there
will be some fuel saving).In their INRETS report,Pronello and André (2000) suggest
that existing models to measure the pollution caused by a set of vehicle routes may be
unreliable.This is because reliable pollution models require input measures which are
not normally part of the output of VRSP models.For example,the time spent travelling
by a vehicle when the engine is cold may have a significant effect on the pollution
produced.Without these linking models it is difficult to quantify the environmental
benefits of different VRSP solutions.
112 A.Sbihi,R.W.Eglese
Even if it is difficult to measure the precise environmental benefit,there should be
some value in versions of VRSP models that consider alternative objectives to pure
economic considerations.For example,the time-dependent vehicle routing models
represent an approach which should indirectly produce less pollution because vehicles
will tend to be directed away from congestion.
英语翻译Vehicle routing and emissionsThe vehicle routing and sch
车辆行程安排和日程安排问题(VRSP)包括作为简易案例的CVRP.没有太多的文献把VRSP与前一部分讨论过的“无污染物流管理(Green Logistics)”论题联系起来.多数文章涉及到的是最小的经济成本目标,也设计商业软件以便提供把经济成本减少到最少的解决方案.许多软件买家声称,与传统的手工方法相比,使用他们的VRSP软件包会给其客户从降低必要的车辆数和行车距离中带来经济利益的结果.近来的VRSP软件包调查已经在OR/MS Today (2006)中刊印.由于油耗及其排出的污染物的降低,整个行程的缩短完全会给环境带来好处.
然而,这一点一般不被估算和强调.帕默[Palmer (2004)]在国内货运车辆的前提下研究了在车辆行程安排和发车之间的关联.文献中举了一些例子,里面有几个在VRSP与减少环境污染之间的要点.这些要点获许不是直接的,这样的论点将在下面的分段中讨论.“正统的”车辆行程安排和日程安排模型瞄准最少的成本(通常与车辆数和路程数有关).与利用不必要的的路程(因为其会存在一些节油)的解决方案相比而言,这一点同样会带来某些环境效益.
在Pronello 和 André (2000)的INRETS报告中,他们提出现行的测算由一套车辆路线导致的污染模型是不可靠的.这是因为可靠的污染模型要求输入测算标准,它不是通常所说的VRSP模型的部分输出.例如:当发动机冷清的时候,单车行车所用的时间会对污染的产生很大的影响.没有这些链接模型,确定不同的VRSP方案的环境效益是很困难的.
112 A. Sbihi, R. W. Eglese Even(此处弄不明白意思,似乎是人名,但又琢磨不出与后面的关系,很难翻译——译者注),