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找几首英文诗额,比较短的 但必须是莎士比亚,泰戈尔,拜伦,济慈,弗罗斯特,米尔顿,华兹华斯,马科斯这些人的 比起全找,随

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 04:24:44
额,比较短的 但必须是莎士比亚,泰戈尔,拜伦,济慈,弗罗斯特,米尔顿,华兹华斯,马科斯这些人的 比起全找,随笔几首,带中文翻译的,额,最好带上英文评论感想
找几首英文诗额,比较短的 但必须是莎士比亚,泰戈尔,拜伦,济慈,弗罗斯特,米尔顿,华兹华斯,马科斯这些人的 比起全找,随
莎士比亚: Sonnets of William Shakespeare Since all alike my songs and praises be To one, of one, still such, and ever so. Kind is my love to-day, to-morrow kind, Still constant in a wondrous excellence; Therefore my verse to constancy confined, One thing expressing, leaves out difference. 'Fair, kind and true' is all my argument, 'Fair, kind, and true' varying to other words; And in this change is my invention spent, Three themes in one, which wondrous scope affords. 'Fair, kind, and true,' have often lived alone, Which three till now never kept seat in one. 不要把我的爱叫作偶像崇拜, 也不要把我的爱人当偶像看, 既然所有我的歌和我的赞美 都献给一个、为一个,永无变换. 我的爱今天仁慈,明天也仁慈, 有着惊人的美德,永远不变心, 所以我的诗也一样坚贞不渝, 全省掉差异,只叙述一件事情. "美、善和真",就是我全部的题材, "美、善和真",用不同的词句表现; 我的创造就在这变化上演才, 三题一体,它的境界可真无限. 过去"美、善和真"常常分道扬镳, 到今天才在一个人身上协调. 莎士比亚: Would I were dead,if God's good will were so, For what is in this world but grief and woe? O God! me thinks it were a happy life To be no better than a homely swain; To sit upon a hill,as I do now, To carve out dials quaintly,point by point, There by to see the minutes how they run- How many makes the hours full complete, How many hours brings about the day, How many days will finish up the year, How many years a mortal man may live; When this is known,then to divide the times- So many hours must I tend my flock, So many hours must I take my rest, So many hours must I contemplate, So many hours must I sport myself; So many days my ewes have been with young, So many weeks ere the poor fools will ean, So minutes,hours,weeks,mounths,and years, Passed over to the end they were created, Would bring white hairs upto a quiet grave. Ah,what a life were this! how sweet,how lovely! Gives no the hawthorn bush a sweeter shade To shepherds looking on their silly sheep Than doth a rich embroidered canopy To kings that fear their subjects's treachery? 不如死了,如果那是神的懿旨: 人世间除了愁苦还有什么? 神啊!那当是更轻松的生涯 假如我不外是个乡民, 像我现在坐在山上, 细致地刻出个日晷 凭它看出时光的流逝—— 看几分钟完成一小时, 看几小时是一天, 看几天满一年, 看凡人一生能活几岁; 有了答案,才再把时间分配—— 有若干小时要看管我的羊群, 有若干小时要歇息, 有若干小时要祷告沉思, 有若干小时要消遣自娱; 等这数天母羊有了娠, 等这数星期老货们生下了小羊, 等这数月我再给老货们剪羊毛. 如此分秒、钟点、昼夜、星期、月和年; 运行到注定的尽头, 把白发带进恬静的坟墓. 啊,那是多好的一辈子,多顺溜,多如意! 那山楂给予看管着纯真的绵羊的 牧人们的树荫,可不远胜于 忧惧着臣民谋反的帝王们 顶上的缎华盖? 泰戈尔: I long to speak the deepest words I have to say to you; but I dare not, for fear you should laugh. That is why I laugh at myself and shatter my secret in jest. I make light of my pain, afraid you should do so. I long to tell you the truest words I have to say to you; but I dare not, being afraid that you would not believe them. That is why I disguise them in untruth, saying the contrary of what I mean. I make my pain appear absurd, afraid that you should do so. I long to use the most precious words I have for you; but I dare not, fearing I should not be paid with like value. That is why I gave you hard names and boast of my callous strength. I hurt you, for fear you should never know any pain. I long to sit silent by you; but I dare not lest my heart come out at my lips. That is why I prattle and chatter lightly and hide my heart behind words. I rudely handle my pain, for fear you should do so. I long to go away from your side; but I dare not, for fear my cowardice should become known to you. That is why I hold my head high and carelessly come into your presence. Constant thrusts from your eyes keep my pain fresh for ever. 泰戈尔 园丁集 我想要对你说出我要说我的最深的话语,我不敢,我怕你哂笑. 因此我嘲笑自己,把我的秘密在玩笑中打碎. 我把我的痛苦说得轻松,因为怕你会这样做. 我想对你说出我要说的最真的话语,我不敢,我怕你不信. 因此我弄假成真,说出和我的真心相反的话. 我把我的痛苦说得可笑,因为我怕你会这样做. 我想用宝贵的名词来形容你,我不敢,我怕得不到相当的酬报. 因此我给你苛刻的名字,而夸示我的硬骨. 我伤害你,因为怕你永远不知道我的痛苦. 我渴望静默地坐在你的身旁,我不敢,怕我的心会跳到我的唇上. 因此我轻松地说东道西,把我的心藏在语言的后面. 我粗暴地对待我的痛苦,因为我怕你会这样做. 我渴望从你身边走开,我不敢,怕你看出我的懦怯. 因此我随随便便地昂着走到你的面前. 从你眼里频频掷来的刺激,使我的痛苦永远新鲜. 拜伦: I Saw Thee Weep by George Gordon Byron I saw thee weep---the big bright tear Came o'er that eye of blue; And then methought it did appear A violet dropping dew: I saw thee smile---the sapphire's blaze Beside thee ceased to shine; It could not match the living rays That filled that glance of thine. As clouds from yonder sun receive A deep and mellow dye, Which scarce the shade of coming eve Can banish from the sky, Those smiles unto the moodiest mind Their own pure joy impart; Their sunshine leaves a glow behind That lightens o'er the heart. 我看过你哭 乔治·戈登·拜伦 我看过你哭——一滴明亮的泪 涌上你蓝色的眼珠; 那时候,我心想,这岂不就是 一朵紫罗兰上垂着露; 我看过你笑——蓝宝石的火焰 在你之前也不再发闪; 呵,宝石的闪烁怎么比得上 你那灵活一瞥的光线. 仿佛是乌云从远方的太阳 得到浓厚而柔和的色彩, 就是冉冉的黄昏的暗影 也不能将它从天空逐开; 你那微笑给我阴沉的脑中 也灌注了纯洁的欢乐; 你的容光留下了光明一闪, 恰似太阳在我心里放射.