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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/30 06:23:56
本文将讨论基于C#反射机制的数据库应用系统源代码生成平台(下面称为:CSharpGen系统)的如何实现,它主要采用C#.net系统构架,以OOP技术为设计流程,利用MSSQL大型应用数据库;并利用先进的3层模式架构,主要实现了在 C# 中对应数据库中表的基类代码的自动生成,包括生成属性、添加、修改、删除、查询、存在性、 Model 类构造等基础代码片断,使程序员可以节省大量机械录入的时间和重复劳动,而将精力集中于核心业务逻辑的开发.CSharpGen同时还提供了SQL脚本生成,存储过程生成,代码生成自动导出文件等多项开发工作中常用到的功能,您可以很方便地进行项目开发.
As the software industry increased competition in the enterprise programmers to develop code efficiency and the quality of increasingly high demand.Analysis prepared by the programmers code and found that about 80% of the code is similar,But if we can develop a common database application system source code generation platform to complete this part of the work,The work will enable programmers code efficiency and quality greatly improved.This paper is a generic description of this database application system source code generation platform for the development process.This paper will discuss the reflection based on the C # mechanisms for the database application system source code generation platform (as below :CSharpGen system) how to achieve it primarily C #.net system architecture,OOP technology to the design process,the use of large-scale application of MSSQL databases; and the use of advanced three-layer model structure,Major Implementation of the C # corresponding database table base class code automatically generated,including the generation attributes,add,modify,delete,Inquiries existence,Model class structure,and other basic code snippet,so that programmers can save a lot of mechanical input of time and duplication of work,and will concentrate on the core business logic development.CSharpGen also provides a SQL script generation,storage process generation,Automatic code generation is derived documents the development of a number of commonly used functions,you can very easily perform project development.In this paper,a total of four chapters :the first chapter on the subject CSharpGen systems development background,content,development goals,significance; The second chapter describes the system CSharpGen overall planning,CSharpGen system introduced in the analysis of requirements and analyze feasible,the structure analysis; The third chapter describes the CSharpGen system design,introduced functions,database design,using technology and development tools,the key library,multi-layered structure; Chapter IV presents a summary CSharpGen system design; Finally,references and thanks.Keywords :C #,reflex mechanism,AJAX,source code generation
Competes along with the software profession in intensifies day by day,the enterprise is more and more high to programmer's developmentefficiency and the code quality requirement.Through analyzes the codewhich the programmer compiles,discovered has 80% about the code issimilar,if can develop a universal database application system sourcecode to produce the platform to complete this part of work,will causeprogrammer's working efficiency and the code quality big enhancement.The present paper is describes this kind of universal databaseapplication system source code to produce the platform the performancehistory.This article will discuss based on the C# reflection mechanismdatabase application system source code produces the platform (underto be called:CSharpGen system) how realizes,it mainly uses the C#net system skeleton,take the OOP technology as the design flow,usesthe MSSQL large-scale application database; And the use advanced 3patterns overhead construction,mainly realized has corresponded inthe database in C# the table base class code automatic production,including the production attribute,the increase,the revision,thedeletion,the inquiry,a Model kind of structure foundation code pieceand so on the existence,enabled the programmer to be allowed to savethe time and the repetition work which the massive machineries input,but concentrated the energy to the core business logic development.Atthe same time CSharpGen also provided the SQL script production,thememory process production,the code production has automaticallyderived the function which the document and so on in many developmentswork commonly used arrived,you were allowed very conveniently tocarry on the project development.Present paper altogether four chapters:First chapter narrated the CSharpGen system topic developmentbackground,the content,the development goal,the significance; Second chapter introduced the CSharpGen system overall plan,mainlyintroduces the CSharpGen system the demand analysis,may all thevarious professions analysis,the system structure analysis; Third chapter introduced the CSharpGen system design,mainlyintroduced the function,the database design,use the technology aswell as the development kit,the key class storehouse,themultilayered overhead construction; Fourth chapter introduced the CSharpGen system design summary; Finally is the reference and expresses thanks.Key word:C#,reflection mechanism,AJAX,source code production
英语翻译随着软件行业内竞争日益加剧,企业对程序员的开发效率及代码质量要求越来越高.通过分析程序员编写的代码,发现有80% 英语翻译摘 要随着我国市场经济的不断完善以及中国医药市场的对外开放,中国医药行业的竞争日益加剧,企业环境的不确定性和复杂 英语翻译“在市场经济条件下,由于竞争和风险的日益加剧,会计所处的客观经济环境的不确定性程度越来越高,为了增强企业应付风险 英语翻译随着国际间竞争的日益加剧,人们越来越认识到高素质人才对于加强本国国际竞争力的重要性.做为世界上人口最多的发展中国 英语翻译海洋是人类赖以生存的蓝色家园,是实现社会可持续发展的基础.随着世界经济的日益发展以及竞争的日益加剧,越来越多的国 英语翻译随着经济发展,人民生活水平越来越高,对生活质量提出了更高的要求,国家和公众对环境保护日益关注和重视.国家在政策、 英语翻译随着市场竞争的逐渐加剧,我国中小企业的沟通问题日益突出.本文通过对中小企业沟通问题的实际调查,分析探讨了目前我国 英语翻译摘要:在市场经济条件下,由于竞争风险的日益加剧,会计所处的客观经济环境的不确定性程度越来越高,所以会计信息使用者 英语翻译在今天这个技术快速发展、服务日益提升的年代,产业竞争加剧、规则不断变化,客户的期望值也是越来越高,提供简单的基本 英语翻译内容摘要在市场经济条件下,由于竞争风险的日益加剧,会计所处的客观经济环境的不确定性程度越来越高,所以会计信息使用 英语翻译发动机总成装配线技术方案的探讨为了适应汽车市场日益加剧的竞争形势,汽车生产厂家越来越重视产品的性价比.厂家根据对 英语翻译在世界经济日益全球化、竞争日益国际化的时代背景下,企业人才竞争日趋激烈,民营企业人才流失现象也随之加剧.据统计,