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分析句子语法:求三句话的关于句子的语法分析 特别是动名词的作用及用法 在句子当中充当的成分 越具体越好

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 17:37:49
分析句子语法:求三句话的关于句子的语法分析 特别是动名词的作用及用法 在句子当中充当的成分 越具体越好
A number of outrageous crimes stemming from Internet addiction have hit the news headlines in South Korea lately,casting a pall over the country's Web culture.

Such cyber addiction-related deaths reflect the dark side of South Korea's rampant Internet culture,as a government report last week revealed that 8.8 percent of the country's total Internet users,or roughly 2 million people,are estimated to be suffering from Internet addiction.
三、It cost nearly 10 trillion won (8.8 billion U.S.dollars) annually to deal with consequences of Web addiction,namely underachieving students,social maladjustment,drop in productivity and broken families,according to the Ministry of Information and Communications.
分析句子语法:求三句话的关于句子的语法分析 特别是动名词的作用及用法 在句子当中充当的成分 越具体越好
( A number of outrageous 定语) ( crimes主语) ( stemming from Internet addiction 现在分词短语作定语修饰主语crimes) (have hit谓语) (the news headlines 宾语) (in South Korea介词短语作定语修饰宾语)( lately时间状语),( casting a pall over the country's Web culture.现在分词短语作结果状语)
(Such cyber addiction-related 定语)(deaths主语)( reflect谓语)( the dark side 宾语)(of South Korea's rampant Internet culture定语修饰宾语),( as a government report last week revealed that 8.8 percent of the country's total Internet users,or roughly 2 million people,are estimated to be suffering from Internet addiction.方式状语从句))
在这个从句中,as (a government report 主语)(last week 定语修饰主语)(revealed谓语)( that 8.8 percent of the country's total Internet users,or roughly 2 million people,are estimated to be suffering from Internet addiction.宾语从句),其中的to be suffering from Internet addiction是不定式的进行时态做宾语.
3,.(It)主语 (cost)谓语 (nearly 10 trillion won (8.8 billion U.S.dollars) annually )宾语(to deal with consequences of Web addiction)目的状语,(namely underachieving students,social maladjustment,drop in productivity and broken families,according to the Ministry of Information and Communications.)