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英语翻译Although most fruits are sweet,they tend to be relativel

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/27 10:30:46
Although most fruits are sweet,they tend to be relatively low in calories.Better still,they are a good source of fiber and are packed with nutrients - especially Vitamin C.
On reason that the much-talked about "Mediterranean diet" is considered to be so good for the heart is because it includes plenty of fresh fruit.The World Health Organization recommends that everyone should try to eat at least five portions of different fruit or vegetables each day.
A portion of fruit counts as a single fruit,such as an apple or orange,a cup of small fruit such as grapes or raspberries,or a glass of pure fruit juice.You can include dried,tinned and frozen fruit as part of your quota,but tinned fruit is often sweetened in syrup,and contains less vitamin C.swherespossible buy fruit that has been canned in its own juice without added sugar.Fresh fruit and juice provide most of our daily intake of vitamin C with citrus fruit (oranges,lemons,grape fruit and tangerines) being the most important source.Other top vitamin C providers include Kiwi Fruit,strawberries,raspberries,blackcurrants mangoes and papayas.Fruits with orange or deep yellow flesh,such as apricots,mangoes and cantaloupe melons,get their color from a yellow orange pigment called beta carotene,the plant from of vitamin A.Other carotene pigments such as lycopene are found in red fruits,and these along with beta carotene are thought to protect against free radicals and possibly cancer.Fruit is rich in potassium,especially bananas and dried fruits.Potassium helps to regulate blood pressure.It works in tandem with sodium to regulate the body's fluid balance.
Another reason why fruit is so important to the diet is because it contains both soluble and insoluble fiber.The insoluble fiber help reduce the risk of colon Cancer while soluble fiber can help to lower blood cholesterol levels.Citrus fruit and dried fruits (such as figs,dates,apricots and raisins) are particularly good sources of fiber.Pesticides are applied to crops to ensure that the produce is of a high quality and free from pests and diseases,and in most fruit the levels are so low that they pose no hazard to health even for children,however it is sensible to thoroughly wash fruit in clean running water before consumption.The benefits of eating fruit are many.Fruit tastes good,it contains antioxidants that may help to protect against cancer.It is a rich source of potassium that helps to regulate blood pressure and it provides most of our daily intake of vitamin C.
英语翻译Although most fruits are sweet,they tend to be relativel
虽然绝大部分水果是甜美,他们倾向于是相对说来低在朝派大卡.更好,他们是一纤维的好来源和是用营养品--特别是维生素C挤满的.右手击球员的左后方场地谈论关于"地中海沿岸地区饮食"很多-被认为非常对心脏有好处的理由是因为它包含新水果大量.世界卫生组织建议每人将去设法每一天吃至少五份不同水果或者蔬菜.一水果的部分认为阿斯是一个例如一苹果或者柑橘单一的水果,一个例如葡萄或者悬钩子属植物的浆果小水果的杯子或者一杯纯粹水果汁.你能包含弄干,镀锡的和冻冰配额水果作为你的的一部分但是常常在糖浆中使镀锡的水果存在变得美好和在它的自己汁中没有外加的糖含有C.swherespossible买卖水果已经被把装罐的更少维生素.新水果和汁提供我们是最重要来源维生素C有的柑橘果((柑橘,柠檬,葡萄水果和柑橘)的每天入口大部分的.其它最高维生素C提供者包含猕猴桃,草莓,悬钩子属植物的浆果,子芒果和番木瓜树.有例如杏子,芒果和罗马甜瓜瓜柑橘的或者深黄色肉的水果得到他们的颜色从一被称作β-胡萝卜素,植物从的维生素的黄色柑橘的颜料例如番茄红素A.其它胡萝卜素颜料被在红水果中发现,和以及β-胡萝卜素公亩想法向这些反对自由基和或许保卫癌.在钾,特别是香蕉和dried中浓郁Fruit存在结果实.钾帮助控制血压.它用纵列二马拉的双轮马车有的钠工作控制躯体的流体平衡.另一水果是非常对饮食重要的是因为它含有可溶解和不溶的纤维两者.与此同时可溶解纤维能帮助降低血液胆固醇水平,不溶的纤维帮助减少结肠癌的危险.(例如无花果,日期,杏子和葡萄干)柑橘果和dried水果是纤维的特别好来源.杀虫剂被施加于保证作物 that the produce is of a high quality and free from pests and diseases,and in most fruit the levels are so low that they pose no hazard to health even for children,however it is sensible to thoroughly wash fruit in clean running water before consumption.The benefits of eating fruit are many.Fruit tastes good,it contains antioxidants that may help to protect against cancer.It is a rich source of potassium that helps to regulate blood pressure and it provides most of our daily intake of vitamin C.