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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/27 17:22:09
20世纪人类走进了原子时代.原子时代的标志是现代科学技术和它的深刻影响及广泛应用.创立了代表现代科学的相对论,并为核能开发奠定理论基础的,是美籍德国犹太人爱因斯坦 (1879-1955),他被公认为自伽利略、牛顿以来最伟大的科学家、思想家,并且超越了他们.
The 20th century humanity entered the atomic age.Atomic age's symbol is the modern science technology and its profound influence and the widespread application.Established has represented the modern science the theory of relativity,and laid the rationale for the nuclear development,was American nationality Germany Jew Einstein (1879-1955),he is recognized as since Galileo,Newton the greatest scientist,the thinker,and has surmounted them.Einstein is born in Germany Wu Ermu the city in a Jew family,specially was interested since childhood to each kind of natural phenomenon,for the leaf blade shape,the flower petal organization,the ant moves,attractions and so on star flash even to enter the riddle frequently.when 5 years old,the father for him a compass,he rotates the small needle or the tray,no matter what rotates,that small needle does not listen to his words,south side always aims.Einstein is surprised,although the father and uncle replies him to appear to understand but not really understand,but this small needle has been attracting the mind which intensely he seeks knowledge.Einstein is closes right up against the intense intellectual curiosity and the tenacious diligent easy to learn spirit,marches into the science gradually the palace.The young people time's enquirying mind and the independent thinking custom temper finally into him a generation of scientific extraordinary personality.the Einstein's life,in the cosmology,the unified field theory,the physics philosophy question and so on many aspects has carried out the deep research,his thought is instructing until now still the front discipline advance direction.Einstein is one maintains the world peace and supports the human just cause's soldier.In two world war period,he protests the German militarism and the Hitler Fascist's tyranny.After Second World War,he also repeatedly appealed that the opposition expansion of armaments prepares,opposed uses in the war the nuclear weapon.After the death,also contributes the cerebrum to supply the scientific research.Had the intense social sense of responsibility scientist as one,Einstein has received various countries' people's respect.
英语翻译内容:20世纪人类走进了原子时代.原子时代的标志是现代科学技术和它的深刻影响及广泛应用.创立了代表现代科学的相对 英语翻译伴随着计算机网络技术的迅猛发展和广泛应用,人类进入了全新的网络经济时代.本文探讨了互联网对当代企业营销管理的深刻 人类进入现代科学技术时代的标志是什么()? ( )的发明使人类进入了工业化时代.( )的创立使人类进入了电气时代 开创了物理学的一个新时代.对后来人类科学的发展产生了重大影响,被称为现代科学之父的是? 标志着人类历史进入了"蒸汽时代"和"电气时代"的两大历史事件分别是? 英语翻译我们的时代是电气时代.不过事实上我们有时称之为航天时代,有时称之为原子时代.但是不管航天技术和原子武器的意义有多 英语翻译浅谈面料创意在服装设计中的应用[关键词]面料,创意,服装设计,应用20世纪后十年是服装形的时代和款式雕塑时代的结 英语翻译中小民营企业员工激励问题及对策摘要:21世纪是知识经济的时代,与工业经济时代相比,人才问题受到了前所未有的高度重 电力的广泛应用对人类产生了什么影响 标志着人类进入蒸汽和电气时代的标志 文字的出现是人类进入文明时代的标志,它的诞生有利于文化的传承。在文字的演变中,对字母文字产生了重大影响的是 [