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英文翻译一下拉最近我觉得好像是衰神附身了好倒霉阿上个星期眼睛毛细血管破裂出血了前天感冒喉咙痛死了昨天手腕被扭到了 不能用

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/27 12:13:06
昨天手腕被扭到了 不能用力了 一用力就疼 现在药还敷着呢
刚才又肚子疼 我受不了了!
英文翻译一下拉最近我觉得好像是衰神附身了好倒霉阿上个星期眼睛毛细血管破裂出血了前天感冒喉咙痛死了昨天手腕被扭到了 不能用
Seem that bad luck had been following me everywhere i go these days.
Really unlucky!
Last week a blood vessel burst under my eye brow hair.
The day before I started having a flu,sore throat is killing me!
Yesterday I twisted my wrist.And now I can't even move it.Once I try to use my hand it hurts.Now I am having medicated cream rubbed on.
And I just had stomach ache a while ago.Damn,I just can't take it any more.
楼主,damn 是美国人常用的租口,你可以省去.