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Anticorrosion performance of the coating/metal system by ele

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/28 05:27:21
Anticorrosion performance of the coating/metal system by electrochemical impedance spectra
Abstract:In order to investigate the anticorrosion performance of the organic coating/metal system,electrochemical impedance spectra(Eis) were measured in the 3.5wt% NaCl solution、the chemical component and the formation of corrosion products scale were analyzed by laser Raman microspectroscopy,and the pattern of the organic coating/metal system was observed by scanning electron microscopy(SEM).The characteristics and the delamination process of the organic coating/metal system were investigated systematically,and the emphases were on the transportation of the corosive medium and the changes of the coating/metal interface.The results show that the impedance decreases at the initialimmersion.then increases at the middle—immersion.and again decreases at last.which is related to the corosion products scale.Th e concentration of C1 in the coating,which destroys the corosion products scale,increases with the immersion time.
Key words:organic coating;electrochemical impedance spectra;corosion product scale;anticorosion
Organic coating is a common method of keeping metal from corrosion.W ater,oxygen,and corosive ions are three important factors in the erosion of metal Organic coating can prevent corosive medium trans.portation.In order to evaluate the coating endurance,raveling the corosive ion transportation inside the coating and at the interface of the coating/metal system is very important.The general methods to evaluate the coating are salt spray,damp heat aging,and ultravioletaging.These methods can only determine the nature of the coating by surface corosion.but can not examine the change of the corosion rate.
Electrochemical impedance spectra(EIS)are cornmonly used to study the corosion course inside the coating and at the interface of the coating/metal system.EIS is a powerful tool that can provide values.such as double..1ayer capacitance and polarization resistance.From the changes in these parameters as a function of time or with respect to other variables,important inform ation about the kinetics of the COrOsion process involved can be obtained.
The aim of this work is to study the anticorosion perform ance of metal with organic coating by Raman microspectroscopy measurements and scanning electron microscope(SEM).Corosive ion transportation inside the coating and the changes of the coating/metal interface are analyzed.
Anticorrosion performance of the coating/metal system by ele
防腐性能的涂料/金属系统的电化学阻抗谱摘要:为了探讨防腐性能的有机涂层/金属系统,电化学阻抗谱(顺)等在3.5wt % NaCl溶液中的化学成分和形成规模腐蚀产物分析了激光拉曼显微和模式.有机涂层/金属系统观察了扫描电子显微镜( SEM ) .特点和脱层进程有机涂层/金属体系进行了系统,重点是对运输corosive中期和变化的涂层/金属interface.The结果表明,阻抗跌幅在initialimmersion.then增加在中等immersion.and再次下跌是在last.which有关腐蚀产物scale.Th é浓度的C1的涂层,这破坏了腐蚀产品的规模,随着浸泡时间.
关键词:有机涂料;电化学阻抗谱;腐蚀产品的规模; anticorosion
有机涂层是一种常见的方法,使金属从corrosion.W水,氧气,并corosive离子有三个重要因素侵蚀的金属有机涂层可以防止corosive中等trans.portation.In以评估涂层耐力,raveling离子运输的corosive内涂层和界面上的涂层/金属体系非常重要,一般的方法来评价涂层盐雾,湿热老化,和ultravioletaging .这些方法只能确定的性质,涂层的表面腐蚀.但不能审查变化的腐蚀速率.
这样做的目的是研究工作的anticorosion绩效金属有机涂层的显微拉曼光谱测量和扫描电子显微镜( SEM ) .运输Corosive离子涂层内的变化涂层/金属界面的分析中trans.portation.In以评估