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英语翻译“Confidential Information” means all information,documen

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/27 23:27:49
“Confidential Information” means all information,documents and other items and materials concerning yyy and one or more of the Olympic Events,in whatever form embodied and however obtained,including without limitation:
(a) the Services and the Work Product,and all information provided to xxx,or that xxx otherwise acquires,in connection therewi
(b) all information relating to the business,affairs,operations,activities and plans of yyy,including,without limitation,all legal,financial,technical,operational,commercial and creative information relating to one or more of the Olympic Events,(c) all information concerning the officials,officers,directors,trustees,members,employees,personnel,consultants,advisors,agents and representatives of yyy(d) all information concerning partners,sponsors,suppliers,vendors,licensees,and other marketing participants of yyy (e) all trade secrets,know-how,specifications,techniques,processes and methods of yyy (f) any name,title,theme,design,script,storyboard,creative item or other element (including,without limitation,any depiction thereof) related to the Olympic Events
Each reference in this Agreement to “this Agreement”,“hereunder”,“hereof”,“herein”,
“hereby” or words of like import shall include all Schedules and Exhibits attached hereto,and all Change Orders and Change Directives (as such terms are defined in Section 5.13) that may be entered into after the date of this Agreement,all of which are hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof by this reference.
英语翻译“Confidential Information” means all information,documen
(a) 服务和工作产品,以及所有提供给xxx的信息或是关于xxx所获得的
(b) 包括所有关于yyy的商业信息,时间,运作,活动和计划,没有限制,所有关于一个或多个奥林匹克运动会的合法的,经济上的,技术上的,操作上的,商业上的以及创造性的信息
(c) 所有关于官员,办公人员人员,经理,理事,成员,雇员,职员,咨询员,顾问,办事处以及yyy的代表人士
(d) 所有关于合作伙伴,发起者,赞助商,卖主,获得执照的人,以及其他yyy的市场参与者
(f) 任何名字,主题,论文,设计,原本,情节链图板,创造性的图标或是其他关于奥林匹克运动会的元素(任何它的相关描述不受限制)