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河南新乡 牛津版英语初二上册重点词组、重点句型、知识点、语法 ,谢谢老师!
解题思路: 如下
have sth to drink
have some more food
keep secrets
share sb’s joy
make sb. happy / special
have problems (with)
help sb with sth = help sb (to) do sth
give a seat to someone in need
any time
travel around the world
get to see each other often
say a bad word about sb.
have poor eyesight
work on the computer too much at night
have a good sense of humour
feel bored / unhappy
in the drawing competition
tell funny jokes
listen to // solve problems
make friends (with sb.)
become a famous singer
feel uncomfortable / nervous
a social worker
feel uncomfortable / nervous
dark brown hair
wear a smile on sb’s face
answer questions correctly
give sb. some advice
live next door
smiling eyes
She is willing to share things with he friends.
She is also very helpful and is ready to help others.
She helps me with my homework and when she is on the bus she always give her seat to someone in need.
I have a winderful friend named Max.
His eyesight is very poor.
He wears small, round glasses and they make him looks smart.
Max has a good sense of humour.
His legs are very long and they do not feet under the school desks.
He often knocks your books and pens off the desk.
I thought of my good friend May when I read your advertisement.
She has stright ,shoulder-length hair.
May is a ture friend. When something worries ne ,I can always go to her.
I can tell her anything because she can keep a secret.
She is kind and never says a bad word about anyone.
I don’t think any of these outdoor activities are dangerous.
I an really happy to tell you about my furture plans.
I don't know the new school very well and I have no friends here.
She always wears a smile on her face and looks happy.
They make her look really pretty and kind .She has long hair
He is very smart and always answers questions correctly.
fewer advertisements
be like
British / American English
a mixed school
earn how to cook and sew
read the most books in the Reading Week
cook healthy and tasty meals
have a great time talking to each other
spend a lot of time practicing
play softball twice a week
spend a lot of time practicing
have a great time talking to each other
score the fewest points
have the least free time
have 2 weeks off in the summertime
have lots of time for after-school activities
wear school uniforms / wear ties
a library with lots of useful books
the same as /be different from
wear school uniforms / wear ties
a library with lots of useful books
on one side of …/ on the other side of…
half an hour of homework
at weekends = at the weekend
the same size / colour… as
the funniest girl in the class
do the work better with less money
the differences between A and B
tell the teacher what we are reading
be good at maths/ do well in math
I was in Year 8 at Woodland School near London
My favourite subject is Home Economics.
Now I know how to cook healthy and tasty meals
We can read any books from the school library.
Reading Week is always too short because we wants to read others’ books as well.
Students in 12th grade are called seniors.
She helps me with my homework and listens to my problems too.
This is great because it takes less time than taking the bus.
We will have lots of time for after-school activeties
What does the word ‘hero’ mean?
We always have a greaat time talking to each other.
It means someone you admire very much.
Chinese students have more weeks off in the summertime than British students.
Students in the USA have more weeks off in the summer time than British students, and they spend less time doing their homework.
Students at Rocky Mountain High School do not wear uniforms and do not do morning exercises.
What time does your school day start?
There is a big library with many/lots of useful books
Our school day is very short, have lots of time for after-school activities
There are lots of clubs and after-school activities.
We only have half an hour of homework at weekends.
climb the hill
enjoy oneself
have a good / wonderful / great time
have fun
the President of the USA
a coffee shop by the river
a foreign country
invite sb. to join in the dancing at the beginning
feel sick for most of the trip
places of interest from all over the world
look just like the real one(s)
teach oneself
from one place to another
take a look at the amazing view
climb up the Great Wall
walk slowly around the lake
take the underground to…
sit at the front of the bus
watch the sunset
keep secrets to ourselves
go to the final
cheer for sb.
as soon as possible
go climbing on rocks
plan/agree/decide/choose/prepare to do
models of over 100 places of interest
need to exercise and keep healthy
the photos of the trip
begin to play hide-and-seek
keep the secret to oneself
He invited me to join their school trip to the World Park
The trip from school to the World Park took about 2 hours by coach
There was a lot of traffic on the city roads
The whole world was there in front of us.
Daniel taught himself how to make a home page.
I’m afraid that’s not a good idea
Why don’t we go to the Beijing Amusement Park too?
What a great idea! Let’s go to the Temple of Heaven and then play hide-and-seek in Beijing Amusement Park.
Make a list of places of interest for you to visit.
We are planning a day out for her.We want to invite you to the Palace Museum ,Beihai Park,Tian’anmen Square and Wangfujin Street on Saturday,6th November.
This is the plan for the day:
We will then take the underground to the center of Beijin and change to the bus.
We will take the bus all the way to the Palace Museum.It will take about 30 minutes.
We will then see the aquare,the Monument to the People’s Heroes and the People’s Great Hall.
We will make it a really fun day for everyone
If you want to come,please let us know as soon as possible.We hope you can jion us.
Thank you for keeping the secret for me
That’s not possible.=That’s impossible.
You can go there by taxi or shuttle bus.
I decide to stay home and pack my bags instead.
look delicious
like best / least
look like a white mouse
go outside her home for the first time
for up to 14 hours a day
bamboo shoots and leaves
at the very beginning
cut down forests
have nowhere to live
kill it for its fur
leave sb. on sb’s own
protect wild animals
encourage sb. to do
walk through a rainforest
live as a family
live in family groups
make medicine from tigers’ bones
look lovely on sb.
make a lot of money
walk upright
at a time
the loss of living areas
become farmland
get smaller and smaller
look a little lazy
in the daytime
be friendly towards each other
clothes made of animal fur
try one’s best to do
She looked like a white mouse.We called her Xi Wang.
When Xi Wang was born, she weighed just 100 grams.
At four months old, she started to go outside her home for the first time.
She was not a small baby any more.
She grew into a healthy young giant panda.
At the very beginning, Xi Wang drank her mother's milk for up to 14 hours a day.
Sadly, it is difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild, usually because of people.
8.If hunters catch a giant panda, they will kill it for its fur.
If farmers cut down trees and forests,pandas will have nowhere to live
Mothers often leave baby pandas for two whole days on their own.
We can take the following actions to protect giant pandas.
Encourage farmers to leave the giant panda reserves.
Tiger wll live as a family if they have babies.
Wolves live in family groups if they are in the wild.
If no one buys furs, then people won’t buy furs any more.
They are in danger because people like their fur and make medicine from their bones.
The number is getting smaller and smaller.
If more people know about these problems,then maybe they will do something to help.
Bears like to move around slowly in the day time.
We are trying our best to protect them when they are in danger.
go birdwatching
join the Birdwatching Club
a long-winged and web-footed seagull
fly to northern countries
brownish feathers
grey or black feathers
in north-east China=in the north-east of China
one of the world’s most important wetlands
live comfortably in Zhalong Nature Reserve
stay there for a short time
an important living area for
make more space for farms and buildings
have enough living space
do sth to protect the endangered birds
members of the Birdwatching Club
study the different kinds of birds
the changes in their numbers
invite secondary school students to help
need more to help us count
understand the importance of…
take action to do sth
go there for a short stay
show good manners to sb
think oneself a good birdwatcher
tell him not to make any noise
have an area of more than 210000 hectares
including different kinds of birds
would like to become a member of
more and more birds are in danger
the opposite of…
We hope this information will help them understand and make them actively take action to protect wildlife.
The Chinese government wants to protect these endangered birds,and they can be safe in Zhalong.
It is one of the word’s most important wetlands.
Some people want to change the wetlands to make more space for farms and buildings.
Many peopke bot understand the importance of the wetlands.
We hope the information will help them understand and make them actively take action to protect wild life.
The sun shone brightly as we got on the school bus.
We talked loudly until Mr Wu told us to be quiet.
He told us not to make any noise and not to run.
We saw many different birds at Beijing Wildlife Park and we learned to tell people about them correctly.
Zhalong is the home of a lot of plants and animals, including different kinds of birds.
There are not many red-crowned cranes in the world, but there are some in Zhalong.
Wetlands are important because they provide food and shelter for endangered birds.
They are also important because they help prevent food.
We should protect the home of plants, fish and birds in Zhalong.
If someone does not show good manners to others, he is impolite
I would like to be a bird watcher because l like birds and nature very much.
l want to know more about birds too.
l will be very happy if I can become a member of your culb.
Are you going to take the bus back on Saturday?
mop up the floor
natural disaster
start a big fire
thousands of people
wash the village away
fall from a tree
thunder and lightning
lose the game
crash into
be all wet
in fear
run in all directions
survive the earthquake
thousands of people
look out of the window
snowstorm warning
try one’s best to do sth.
in a great hurry
calm down
hear about
feel a slight shaking
shout for help
use the mobile phone
the noise of traffic
make a flow chart
a strong wind
like bombs under the ground
scream for help
a packet of character
move away
I was doing some shopping when the earthquake started.
At first I felt a slight shaking through my body.
A moment of fear went through my mind.
I couldn’t see anything at all and I didn’t know if anyone was around me.
Then the real noise came, like bombs under the ground
People running wildly when pieces of glass and bricks were falling down.
I thoughr somebody could hear me but no one came for a very long time.
I was trying to find my way our when I suddenly heard some noise above me.
They were in a great hurry to move away the bricks and stones.
I was looking for some photos of the 1976 Tangshan earthquake fo my project.
They were planning a trip to Tangshan
Daniel was trying to find a map of Tangshan and Millie was reading some guide books.
I saw you and your parents stangding on the side of the road.
His car broken because of the cold weather.
I left school early yesterday because the snowstorm started again in the afternoon and it got worse later.
He and his wife were trapped in the car
The snow was heavy and it covered everything.
There was a heavy storm with thunder and lightning
We could only hear the wind.
Snow continued to fall around us.