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英语翻译英语演讲要用,法国巴黎歌剧院 由法国著名的侦探、悬念小说家加斯通·勒鲁写下的《歌剧魅影》正是发生在眼前这座金光灿

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 02:36:27
英语演讲要用,法国巴黎歌剧院 由法国著名的侦探、悬念小说家加斯通·勒鲁写下的《歌剧魅影》正是发生在眼前这座金光灿灿的建筑里.巴黎歌剧院长173米,宽125米,建筑总面积1 1237平方米.剧院有着全世界最大的舞台,可同时容纳450名演员.剧院里有2200个座位.演出大厅的悬挂式分枝吊灯重约八吨.其富丽堂皇的休息大厅堪与凡尔赛宫大镜廊相媲美,里面装潢豪华,四壁和廊柱布满巴洛克式的雕塑、挂灯、绘画,有人说这儿豪华得像是一个首饰盒,装满了金银珠宝.它艺术氛围十分浓郁,是观众休息、社交的理想场所.该厅长54米,宽13米,巴黎歌剧院具有十分复杂的建筑结构,剧院有2531个门,7593把钥匙,6英里长的地下暗道.歌剧院的地下层,有一个容量极大的暗湖,湖深6米,每隔10年剧院就要把那里的水全部抽出,换上清洁的水.由法国著名的侦探、悬念小说家加斯通·勒鲁(1868-1927)写下的《歌剧魅影》(后又搬演成电影、音乐剧)正是发生在眼前这座金光灿灿的建筑里.一进入歌剧院,马上就会被壮观的大楼梯吸引,大理石楼梯在金色灯光照射下更加闪亮,据说是被当时贵族仕女的衬裙擦得光亮,可以想见歌剧院当时的盛况.大楼梯上方天花板上则描绘着许多寓言故事.欣赏过大楼梯后,可从两侧进入歌剧院走廊,这些走廊提供听众在中场休息时社交谈话的场所,精美壮观程度不下大楼梯,加叶尼构想将大走廊设计成类似古典城堡走廊,在镜子与玻璃交错辉映下,更与歌剧欣赏相得益彰.
英语翻译英语演讲要用,法国巴黎歌剧院 由法国著名的侦探、悬念小说家加斯通·勒鲁写下的《歌剧魅影》正是发生在眼前这座金光灿
Paris opera house by French famous detective stone le lu,suspense novelist and write down the phantom of the opera is what happens in the eyes of the brassy buildings.The Paris opera,dean of 173 meters,125 meters wide,a total construction area of 1237 square meters.Theater has the world's biggest stage,can accommodate 450 actor.There were 2200 seats in the theatre.Performance hall chandelier hanging branches weighing about eight tons.Their palatial hall to Versailles rest big mirror gallery,decoration luxurious,inside the walls and pillars to be full of the baroque sculpture,hanging lamp,painting,some people say that luxury here like a jewelry box,full of gold and silver jewelry.Artistic atmosphere is very strong,it is an ideal place for rest,social audience.The director-general of the 54 meters,13 meters wide,18 meters high.The Paris opera has complex structure,the theatre has 2531 door,7593 keys,six miles long underground andao.Opera house's underground,there is a vast capacity of dark lake,lake deep 6 meters,every 10 years the theatre will be out all the water in there,put on clean water.By the French famous detective,suspense novelist and stone le lu (1868-1927),write down the phantom of the opera (and then play into a movie,the musical) is in the eyes of the brassy buildings.Entered the opera house,immediately attracted to big spectacular stairs,marble staircase in the more shining golden light,it is said that is was aristocratic ladies slip bright polished,can want to see the grand opera house at that time.Big stairs above the ceiling painted many fable.Too much appreciate the stairs,may from either side into the opera house corridors,the corridor provide audience at halftime social conversation,must beautiful spectacular degree stair,or add yennenga idea will be designed similar to classical castle corridor,corridor under the mirror and glass staggered reflect more and opera appreciation bring out the best in each other.