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帮我翻译成中文General Pershing was a famous American officer. He wa

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 03:43:31
General Pershing was a famous American officer. He was in the American army, and fought in Europe in the First World War. After he died, some people in his hometown wanted to remember him, so they put up a big statue of him on a horse.There was a school near the statue, and some of the boys passed every day on their way home. After a few months some of them began to say,” Good morning, Pershing" whenever they passed the statue, and soon all the boys at the school began doing this.One Saturday one of the smallest of these boys was walking to the shop with is mother when he passed the statue. He said,” Good morning, Pershing" to it, but then he stopped and said to his mother,” I like Pershing very much.Mum, but who's the funny man on his back?"
帮我翻译成中文General Pershing was a famous American officer. He wa
Pershing将军是一个著名的美国军官.他曾服役于美军并在第一次世界的欧洲战场上战斗.他死后,他家乡的一些人想纪念他,所以他们造了一个他骑在马上的雕塑.在雕塑旁边有一所学校,有些男孩每天回家都会经过这儿.几个月之后,每次经过这雕塑,他们中的一些男孩开始说:早上好Pershing!不就整个学校的男孩都开始这么干了.一个周六 他们当中最小的男孩和她母亲去商店时经过了那雕塑.他对雕像说 早上好 Pershing!然后他停下了脚步问她的母亲:“我很喜欢Peshing 妈妈 但是那个在他背上的滑稽男人又是谁?”