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英语翻译Even if I conjure up a vivid mental picture of a smoked

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 23:26:35
Even if I conjure up a vivid mental picture of a smoked herring as I pronounce the words ‘World Health Organization’,the meaning of what I have said is
still ‘World Health Organization’.If we think of meaning as the function of a word in a linguistic system,then anyone who has mastered that system can be said to understand the meaning of a word.If someone asks me how I
know the meaning of ‘the path to perdition’,it might be enough
to reply that I speak English.But this does not mean that I
understand a particular use of the phrase.For it can be used in
different circumstances to refer to different things; and to know
what it means in this sense of the word ‘means’,I would need to
take into account the intended meaning of a particular speaker or
speakers in a specifi c context.I would need,in short,to see how
the phrase is being concretely applied; and simply knowing the
dictionary meaning of the individual words is not enough here.
What a word is referring to or picking out in a particular situation
is not always easy to identify.One of the Australian Aboriginal
words for ‘alcohol’ is ‘ducking’,because Aboriginal people fi rst
picked up the word in the context of loyal toasts to ‘the king’ by
their colonial masters.
是 Terry Eagleton 的《 the meaning oflife》Chapter 2
The problem of meaning 中的一小段
英语翻译Even if I conjure up a vivid mental picture of a smoked
当我说“世界卫生组织”的时候,即使我在心里想象着一条栩栩如生的熏制青鱼,我所说的话的意义依然是“世界卫生组织”.如果我们认为词义是一个单词在一个语音系统中的功能,那么任何掌握了这个语言系统的人都可以被认为了解词的含义.如果有人问我如何理解“the path to perdition毁灭之路”的意思,可能我回答说“我说英语”就够了.可是这并不意味着我能了解这个句子的一些特定用法,因为它可以被用在不同的语境中,借指不同的东西.要根据字表意思来理解它的实际意义,就需要我把特定说话者意指的含义或者说话者说话的前后文也考虑进去.简短来说,我需要明白这个句子如何才能正确的理解,而只是知道词典里的解释是不够的.在特定环境下,弄明白一个词的指什么也并不总是那么简单.澳大利亚土著代表烈酒的一个词是“ducking”(急速低头),这是因为当地土著了解烈酒这个词的场合是在殖民地总督向国王表示忠君祝酒的时候.