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英语翻译Education ReformsIn the post-W.W.Ⅱ years,American educat

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 22:26:43
Education Reforms
In the post-W.W.Ⅱ years,American education has undergone great reforms.In the 1980s,the problems in education again drew the attention of many people.In 1983,a report entitled“A Nation At Risk”was issued which cited high rates of adult illiteracy (inability in reading and writing),declining SAT scores and low scores on international comparison of knowledge by American students as examples of the decline of educational standards.The report put forward five proposals:(1) that all students graduating from high school complete what was termed as the“new basics”— four years of English,three years of mathematics,three years of science,three years of social studies,and a half year of computer science; (2) that schools at all levels expect higher achievement from their students and that four-year colleges and universities raise their admission requirement; (3) that more time be devoted to teaching the new basics; (4) that the preparation of teachers be strengthened and that teaching be made a more respected and rewarded profession; and (5) that citizens require their elected representatives to support and fund these reforms.
By the mid-1980s,a wave of educational reform swept the country.These reforms had two focuses:the first was the raising of the standards of teaching and learing; the second was the restructuring of the schools.
At the beginning of 1990s,people found that the reform efforts of the 1980s had little impact.Concern was widespread that American school children were not well-prepared for life in the twenty-first century.
On April 18,1991,President Bush issued his plan“America2000:An Education Strategy”.It set six goals ,which had been agreed upon at a 1990 meeting between Bush and the nation’s governors,and put forward a series of proposals to help carry out some of these goals.The six goals were:
(1) ensuring that all pre-schoolers entered school ready to learn;
(2) improving the nation’s high-school graduation rate to at least 90 percent;
(3) requiring students to demonstrate competency in English,mathematics,science,history and geography;
(4) making American students first in the world in maths and science achievement;
(5) eliminating drugs and violence from school; and
(6) ensuring that all adult Americans were literate.
英语翻译Education ReformsIn the post-W.W.Ⅱ years,American educat
在后二战Ⅱ年,美国教育发生了很大的改革.在上世纪80年代,在教育方面的问题再次提请注意的许多人.1983年,一份题为“国家在危急中”发表引用率高的成人文盲率(无法在阅读和写作) ,下降的SAT成绩,低分数的国际比较,美国学生的知识的例子下降教育标准.该报告提出了五项建议:( 1 )所有学生高中毕业完成所谓的“新基础” -四年的英语,数学三年,三年的科学,3年的社会研究,并一年半的计算机科学; ( 2 )各级学校的期望更高的成就,并从他们的学生说,4年制大学和大学提高入学要求; ( 3 )有更多的时间用于教学的新的基本知识; ( 4 )的筹备工作得到加强,教师的教学成为一个更加尊重和奖励专业;和( 5 ) ,公民要求他们选出的代表,以支持和资助这些改革.
在1991年4月18日,布什总统发表了他的计划“ America2000 :一种教育战略” .它设立六个目标,已商定在1990年举行的总统和国家的州长,并提出了一系列建议,以帮助开展一些这些目标.的六大目标是:
( 1 )确保所有学龄前儿童准备进入学校学习;
( 2 )改善国家的高中毕业率提高到至少百分之九十;
( 3 )要求学生表现出的英语,数学,科学,历史和地理;
( 4 )使美国学生在世界上首次在数学和科学成就;
( 5 )消除毒品和暴力从学校;和
( 6 )确保所有美国成年人识字.