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英语翻译LABORATORY ASSIGNMENTSIf you have access to the Internet

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/21 19:40:45
If you have access to the Internet,use the tools you have available (perhaps Archie,Gopher,Netscape,Mosaic,or a WWW search engine) to search for information about GIS and for digital mao data on-line covering your town or city.Are there any attribute data for the maps,perhaps in gazetteers,almanacs,or data books?You may be able to get these from network services such as America Online or CompuServe.If you are not connected to the networks,visit a library and use their facilities,or book in the reference section fou information.If you live near a map library,perhaps at a university,see if you can use this facility in your search.After a few searches,make an inventory of data you were successful in locating,Put the inventoryin the form of a list.Add a column to show which agencies supplied the data you found and how recent the data were.How are the data made available to the public?
Using the information in this chapter,obtain as much information as possible about the GIS you are or will be using.When was the package creates?What is the package’s history?Who wrote the software?Are there manuals,research papers,or other sources of information,such as newsletters,user groups,or other maunals,relating to the software of which you are unware?
If you have access to the Internet,join GIS-L and retrieve the FAQ(frequently asked questions) list.How would you get answers to any questions you have at this stage that are not on the list?
Review the operating system of the computer on which you will work with GIS.Whether it be Unix,Windows,OS/2,DOS,or any other,what operations are necessary to create and delete files,create and delete directories,copy and move files,edit the contents of an ASC2 file,and to use peripheral devices such as CD-ROMdrives and plotters or digitizers?Become familiar with the systen’s manuals and/or on-line help facility.
英语翻译LABORATORY ASSIGNMENTSIf you have access to the Internet
地理信息系统,国际上称为GIS,即 Geograhpic Information system
如果你能使用互联网,尽可能的使用各种你能用到的搜索工具(例如 Archie,Gopher,Netscape,Mosaic,或其他网络搜索引擎)搜索有关GIS的信息;还有有关你所在这个城镇的更多的数字数据.哪里有有关于地图的资料数据呢?也许在地名词典,年鉴,或数据手册中有;你也可以从像 America Online 或 CompuServe这样的网络服务中获得资料.如果你不能上网,去图书馆,利用那儿的资源或检索书来获取你要的信息.如果你离一家地图图书馆很近,或许你在一所大学里,看看你能不能利用这些地方的资源来检索到你需要的.