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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 18:38:25
球体关节人形(Ball-jointed doll,简称BJD)泛指其关节处具有球型可活动装置的人偶.随着经济发展生活水平提高,成人休闲类玩具占玩具市场比例快速增长,其中BJD已在世界范围内拥有庞大的用户(收藏、爱好者)群.BJD产品有影响力的制造商主要分布在亚洲地区,如日本的VOLKS公司,韩国的SOOM公司和中国的DZ(Doll Zone)公司等.
本文通过研究调查BJD与中国传统木偶的联系与交集,以及服装文化与BJD服装之间存在的相互影响、相互促进的密切关系,其装饰性基础上进一步发展了服装展示性和传播服饰文化的功能性.并将增强现实(Augmented Reality,简称AR)技术应用于BJD的展示,在对关键技术进行深入研究的基础上,构建了数字BJD展示系统.
关键词:BJD 服装设计 增强现实技术
Ball Joint Dolls (Ball-jointed doll,referred to as BJD) refers to the joint doll ball-type movable device.With the improved living standards,economic development,adult leisure toys accounted for the toy market,the proportion of rapid growth,which BJD has a huge user (collection worldwide,enthusiasts) group.The manufacturer of the the BJD product influential mainly distributed in Asia such as Japan VOLKS company,Korea the SOOM company and DZ (Doll Zone).
This paper studies the investigation the contact and the intersection of the BJD traditional Chinese puppet,as well as clothing Culture and the BJD clothing between mutual influence and promote the close relationship with its decorative on the basis of the further development of the clothing display and dissemination of the functionality of the clothing culture sex.And Augmented Reality (Augmented Reality,or AR) technology to BJD's display,in-depth study on the basis of the key technologies to build digital BJD display system.
Keywords:BJD clothing design augmented reality technology.