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英语翻译It has only been in the last century that Americans have

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 17:50:27
It has only been in the last century that Americans have put all their emotional eggs in the basket of coupled love.Because of this change,many of us have found joys in marriage our great-great-grandparents never did.But we have also neglected our other relationships,placing too many burdens on a fragile institution and making social life poorer in the process.A study released this year showed just how dependent we’ve become on marriage.Three sociologists at the University of Arizona found that from 1985 to 2004 Americans reported a marked decline in the number of people with whom they discussed meaningful matters.People reported fewer close relationships with co-workers,extended family members,neighbors and friends.The only close relationship where more people said they discussed important matters in 2004 than in 1985 was marriage.In fact,the number of people who depended totally on a spouse for important conversations,with no other person to turn to,almost doubled,to 9.4 percent from 5 percent.Not surprisingly,the number of people saying they didn’t have anyone in whom they confided nearly tripled.
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英语翻译It has only been in the last century that Americans have
It has only been in the last century that Americans have put all their emotional eggs in the basket of coupled love.直到上个世纪,美国人才把他们的全部情感倾注到夫妻之爱中.
Because of this change,many of us have found joys in marriage our great-great-grandparents never did.因为这个原因,我们中的很多人在婚姻中找到了我们曾曾祖父母没有找到过的欢乐.
But we have also neglected our other relationships,placing too many burdens on a fragile institution and making social life poorer in the process.但我们却忽视了其他的关系,将太多的负担加诸脆弱的机构组织,使社会生活愈加贫乏.
A study released this year showed just how dependent we’ve become on marriage.今年发表的一项研究显示了我们有多么倚重婚姻关系.
Three sociologists at the University of Arizona found that from 1985 to 2004 Americans reported a marked decline in the number of people with whom they discussed meaningful matters.亚马逊大学的三位社会学家发现从1985到2004年,美国人互诉衷肠的现象呈明显下降趋势.
People reported fewer close relationships with co-workers,extended family members,neighbors and friends.人们与同事,邻居和亲友的关系渐渐冷漠.
The only close relationship where more people said they discussed important matters in 2004 than in 1985 was marriage.在这期间,唯一人们觉得愈发珍贵的亲密关系就是婚姻.
In fact,the number of people who depended totally on a spouse for important conversations,with no other person to turn to,almost doubled,to 9.4 percent from 5 percent.事实上,声称除了配偶不与其他人进行重要对话的人从5%增加到9.5%,几乎增加了一倍.
Not surprisingly,the number of people saying they didn’t have anyone in whom they confided nearly tripled.不奇怪,声称无人倾诉的人数则几乎是原来的三倍.