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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/22 04:37:15
疯子,你醒醒吧、在她眼里你什么也不是、她已经说了,你根本没爱过她 .你的真心、 你的付出、在她眼里根本一文不值、 或许她一直把你当小丑吧 、 你以为她真的觉得和你一起很幸福啊?幸福只是你自己一个人觉得而已、 她都说了 、 幸福只是假装的而已、 你、 别再傻傻的了、别在这么天真了、别在想她了、 别再惦记着她了 、 忘了吧.好好的过你自己的生活.她的一切都和你无关 、
Madman ,you are awake ,are member of her in self's eyes you what is that she has already spoken neither,you had not loved her at all.Your sincerity ,your paying,in self's eyes,foundation is not worth a farthing ,probably,she always holds your ding-dang clown bar ,you believe she thinks that you are together very happy really drawing in her?Happiness however yourself one people think that nothing more,she has all spoken ,happiness just has pretended ,you,should not be still more stupid ,has not been forgotting a bar naive ,not having be missing her ,not having be concerned about again like this.Nice fault your own life.Her all have nothing to do with you,