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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/20 16:50:47
As technology become more and more advance basically the use of internet become more and more popular for modern generation.There are many advantages and disadvantages of the access to internet.Some of the advantages are; people can now shop online 24 hours a day
a week,able to access the latest updates,able to chat with friends and family online without the need of a phone,you could share your photos with your friends online,best of all internet is globally wide.Even though the intent brings a lot of advantage to our daily life style there are also disadvantages from the use of internet,there are hackers which may get access to your personal information e.g.credit details,virus that would damage your computer.Even though internet has disadvantages but it hasn’t affect people from using the internet because there are many special programs that protect us from hackers and virus.
现代随着技术越来越进步网络越来越流行.网络有许多优点和缺点.一些优点是,人们现在可以在网上购物,能够获得最新的更新,能够免费与朋友和家人聊天,而不需要一个电话,您可以共享您的照片与您的朋友在线上,最重要的是全球互联网宽的.即使网络为我们的日常生活方式带来了很多优势但是也有缺点.网络上有黑客可能获得您的个人信息e.g.信用卡号码,有病毒可以损害你的电脑.尽管网络有的缺点,但它不会影响人们使用网络,因为有许多特殊的程序,保护我们免受黑客和病毒侵犯. 再问: 假如你是某报社编辑,中学生小雨来信向你反应如下情况并征求你的意见。1他是你最好的朋友迷恋上网,经常旷课,小雨非常担心他 2当老师问他旷课原因,小雨想告诉老师实情,但又怕伤害朋友关系,因此压力很大。请你根据提示,写一篇120词左右的回信,帮他解决这个难题
再问: 急用
再答: Dear Xiaoyu, I'm sorry to know you have such a difficult problem. I think you can do something to help your friend. Firstly, you may have a talk with him. Tell him it will be bad for him if he spends too much time on Internet. Secondly, you may also invite him to go out together after school or in weekend. In this way, he will have fewer chances to go to Internet bar. I believe you are a considerate friend. It is not the best idea to tell teacher about this.I hope it can help you and your friend. Regards, XXX 只能这么多了
再问: 你qq多少
再答: 那可以帮我按一下采纳吗,万分感谢