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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 13:47:37
丝袜花:最早起源于日本,被当地人称之为东篱花,由于制作丝网花的基本材料是普通的丝袜,也被称为“丝网花”.丝袜花在日本最初是人们将破损的弃之可惜又留之无用的丝袜, 经巧妙构思创作出来的,并逐渐风靡全日本,成为许多家庭主妇的新宠.
在居委会的牵头下,大娘们自发组织起来,每周抽出一天时间,聚在一起制作小手工.她们要赶在2008年北京奥运会召开之前,制作出2008朵不同样子的丝网花作为礼物送给北京奥组委. 虽然这些性格开朗的大娘都超过了60岁,但编织起丝网花格外熟练.你用铁丝折花型,我用丝网织花瓣,她则用剪刀将不同颜色的丝网剪出不同的形状,大娘们说笑着配合得格外默契.不到半小时工夫,3只漂亮的百合花便制作完成了,乍看上去和鲜花一样.
丝网花制作简单,易于掌握,而且根据人们不同的感受可以任意变形,往往是一种制作产生多种效果,这是其它仿真花难以做到的.随着丝网花被越来越多的人所认识和接受正在成为一种新的装点家居美化生活的理想花卉.丝网花源于日本手工艺,以五彩铁丝及丝袜纯手工制作而成.具有极强的质感,花形逼真犹如鲜花一般,欣赏及装饰效果颇佳.而且色泽多样可根据个人要求进行选择搭配.不易褪色,历久如新,清洁起来亦相当方便. 丝网花的颜色丰富,造型生动逼真,形式多样,丝网花用的丝网近似于丝袜,但比丝袜有弹性,且不易抽丝.它的主要特点是可塑性强,扎好基本形状后,你可以任意变换成各种形态.参与性强是它的又一个特点.
In my five year, the school developed a mesh flower class. I and my friend Kelly to go. When I touch screen flowers, I was attracted by it. Mesh flower color, shape rich. Because of its translucent properties, and therefore a unique artistic expressive force and the power, is the simulation of a wonderful flower. First eye see me on the screen mesh flower, flower unique charm, and a sincere praise. Silk flower production is simple, easy to master, I'll like it.
Stockings flowers: originated in Japan, is known locally as Dongli flowers, as production of silk flower is the basic material of ordinary silk stockings, also known as the" flower screen". Stockings flowers in Japan was first broken people will hesitate to discard sth. also remain useless stockings, by the ingenious idea of writing out, and gradually swept across Japan, become the new darling of many housewives.
Stockings flower production tools: sleeve ( big, in, small ), pliers, scissors, thread, wire, paper tape, colored stockings, green flower core. The first step : a wire in a plastic circle in a circle.
Second step: the circle take off with pliers, cut the redundant part, and the 2 strands of wire with local dressing, lest the hook bad stockings flower petals.
The third step: stockings will be set in the circle, attention should be paid to the texture of silk stockings, stockings to vertical and forced to open, in the bottom closure, pinch into a ruffle. Set after the petals are tight, only the bottom fold.
The fourth step: nylon line bottom fastening petals, can not knot, after a few laps around the sweater needle methods in the petals can be set.
The fifth step: to cut the petals bottom redundant stockings, try to cut thin a bit, or calyx is too big.
The sixth step: just cut the excess wire production Calla flower core, with a pair of pliers in wire top bend a little hooks, and closure.
The seventh step: used as a cotton swab method the bales on the hook.
The eighth step: white stocking in cotton and binding.
Ninth step: the flower core on the petals.
The tenth step: the two sides to the center fold.
The eleventh step: tape in the stem will be a slightly longer and thicker wire twisted together.
Finally the flowers were finally adjusted and completed.
Nankai District Wan Hing Street community neighborhood in Xingtai, unusually lively, more than a dozen woman busily doing, while laughing and talking. They have to use different color screen weave 2008 beautiful silk flower, as a gift, donated to the Beijing Olympics Organizing committee.
In the neighborhood 's lead, woman are organized spontaneously, one day a week out of time, together to create a small handmade. They want to catch before Beijing Olympic Games in 2008, produce 2008 different way screen flowers as a gift to the Beijing Olympic Organizing committee. Although these cheerful woman to be over 60 years old, but woven mesh flower exceptionally skilled. You use the wire broken flowers, I use the screen fabric petals, she used a pair of scissors to different color screen cut different shape, woman are talking and laughing with very tacit understanding. Less than a half hour, 3 beautiful lily is finished, at first glance like flowers and flower.
Silk flower production is simple, easy to grasp, and according to the people different feelings can be deformed, is often a produced a variety of effects, it is difficult to do other simulation flowers. With the screen. More and more people know and accept is becoming a new decorated home furnishing ideal flowers to beautify the living. Silk flower stems from the Japanese craft, multicolored wire and pure handmade silk stockings. With strong texture, flower-shaped realistic like flowers in general, appreciation and decorative effect is very good. And a variety of colors can be tailored to the individual requirements with a choice. Not easy to fade, lasting as new, clean up is also quite convenient. Mesh flower color is rich, modelling is vivid and distinct, formal diversity, spend the mesh screen similar to but smaller than the silk stockings, silk is elastic, and not easy to run. Its main characteristic is the strong plasticity, tie the basic shape, you can transform into a variety of forms. Participation of another characteristic that is it.
再问: 你确定是手工吗?怎么觉得和电脑翻译的差不多?
再答: 有的是手工的,有的是电脑的,那么多句子,谁能翻译的出来啊。
再问: = =变态老师的变态作业嘛。。。。。好吧,不过只再给你20分吧。。。0.0