作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 14:24:29
1.arrive in/at=get to=reach
2.be fine=be well=be OK
3.be from=come from
4.be in=be at home
5.be full of=be filled with
6.be late for=come late for
7.be on a visit to= visit
8.be able to=can
9.be away=be out
10.be busy doing sth.=be busy with sth.
11.be pleased=be glad=be happy
12.buy sb.Sth.=buy sth.to sb
13.be up=get up
14.catch up with=keep up with
15.catch a bus=take a bus
16.catch a cold=have a cold
17.come into=step into
18.come on=come along
19.come down=get down
20.do well in=be good at
21.do the shopping=go shopping
22.drop off=get off
23.enjoy doing sth.=like doing sth.
24.have a good time=enjoy oneself
25.fall down=fall off
26.get the telephone=answer the telephone
27.give sb.sth.=give sth.to sb.
28.give sb.the message=give the message to sb.
29.give sb.a talk=give a talk to sb.
30.give a concert=have a concert
31.get on well with sb.=be good to 与某人相处良好
32.give…a call=give…a ring 打电话给.
33.go down=go along 沿着.走
34.go for a swim=go swimming 去游泳
35.go on doing sth.=go on with sth.继续做某事
36.go up=go along 进行
37.go to sleep=get to sleep=fall asleep 睡觉
38.have a look (at)=look at 盯着.看
39.have a swim=go swimming 游泳
40.have got=have 有
41.hear from=receive a letter from=have a letter from=get a letter from 收到 .来信
42.help sb with sth=help sb to do sth 帮助某人做某事
43.hold a meeting=have a meeting 开会
44.hold on=wait a minute 请稍等(一般用于接电话中)
45.hurry up=be quick 快点
46.knock at=knock on 敲(门)
47.last from…to=be from…to 从.(时候)持续到.(时候)
48.like doing sth=like to do sth 喜爱(做)某事
49.look out=be careful 小心,当心
50.love to do sth=like to do sth 喜爱(做)某事
51.make up one’s mind to do=set one’s mind to do 决定做某事
52.pay for=spend on 花(时间)做某事
53.prefer…to=like better than 更喜欢,比较喜欢某事
54.ring up=call sb 打电话给某人
55.send for sb=ask sb to come 叫某人来
56.show sb sth=show sth to sb 给某人看某物
57.take care of=look after 照顾、照看
58.take exercise=do sport 做运动、锻炼
59.take a message=leave a message 留言
60.think about=think of 考虑、想到
61.teach oneself=learn all by oneself 自学
62.turn off=turn down 关(灯)
63.turn right at the…crossing=take the …turning on the right 到.路口右转
64.walk on=go on 继续走
65.walk to=go to …on foot 走着去(哪里)
66.walk along=go along 沿着.走
67.at school=in the school 在学校
68.a lot of=lots of 许多
69.a lot=very much 许多
70.a quarter past two=two fifteen 2:15分
71.at times=sometimes 有时
72.at last=in the end=finally 最后、最终、终于
73.a bit=a little=a few 一点
74.a moment ago=just now 刚刚、不久前
75.at once=right now 立即、立刻
76.at noon=in the middle of a day 中午时分
77.at that moment=at that time=just then 在那时
78.at the moment=at the same time 现在
79.at the doctor’s=in the doctor’s office 在医生诊所
80.all over the world=across the world=around the world=in the world 全世界、世界上
81.a moment later=later on 一会儿以后
82.after a while=a moment later 一会儿以后
83.all the same=all the time 仍然
84.as soon as possible=as quick as possible 尽快
85.in line=in a queue 排队
86.in the southern part of=in the south of 在南方
87.in the day=in the daytime 白天
88.much of China=many places of China 中国很多地方
89.more than=over 多于.
90.no longer=not…any longer=no more=not any more 再也不
91.not far from=near to 不远、离.近
92.North China=the north of China 中国北方
93.of course=certainly 当然、一定
94.plenty of=quite a few=a lot of=lots of=large number of=a great many of=a good deal of 很多
95.two and a half years=two years and a half 2年半