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英语翻译1.How wonderful to go away for a month,free from all wor

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 11:27:26
1.How wonderful to go away for a month,free from all worries and responsibilities.2.The rules of safe driving apply to everyone.3.So far as I can remember,I've never seen him reading anything but the newspapers.4.The new system is pretty good as a whole .5.I can't find any means to overcome my present financial crisis,short of selling the house.6.The organisation declared that it was responsible for the killing.7.I can't make the decision.It's not up to me.8.Such a mistake would perhaps lead to disastrous consequences.1.My ideal would be to live in the country and have a flat in London.2.I've got no intention of staying indoors on a nice sunny day like this.3.In our university,students' marks are based on continuous assessment of their work.4.The increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide has the potential for altering global climate with significant consequences for all countries.5.She decided not to adopt her husband's name when she got married.6.The conference,which ended on Friday,was sponsored by China Daily.7.Several laws have been passed to overcome perjudice against women in politics.8.I rarely drink alcohol - just the occasional glass of wine.9.Because of the frequent occurrence of traffic jams in our city,there's a growing tendency for people to travel to work by bicycle.10.From their studies the archaeologists concluded that the area was the site of an ancient temple.1.Energy is defined as the ability to do work .2.As years go by ,more and more people are seeking to condition their bodies by exercise.3.Small as it is ,the pen is most useful tool.4.The accident happened just as the car overtook a lorry .5.As far as weather goes,the colder it gets the better I like it.6.Would you be so kind as to help me 7.She has worked again as was expected .8.As long as you are help,it doesn't matter if you haven't got much money.
英语翻译1.How wonderful to go away for a month,free from all wor
1,离开一个月,没有忧虑,没有责任,太好了,2,安全驾驶条例适用于任何人(任何人都要遵守安全驾驶条例),3,我从来没看过他读别的东西,只读报纸,4,这个新的系统总体上还是相当不错的,5,我筹不到钱来解决因房屋销售量低造成的缺钱困境,6,该组织宣称为此次谋杀事件负责,7,还轮不到我做决定,8,这样的错误可能会造成灾难性后果,.1.我的理想是在伦敦有一套房子,在那个国家定居,2,像这样阳光明媚的天气,我不想呆在屋里, .3.在我们这所大学里,学生的评分是从累计评定的结果来的, .4. 空气中二氧化碳含量的增加对全球气候变化有着潜在的影响,气候变化对所有国家都将会有严重影响,.5.她决定结婚后不随她丈夫的姓,. 6. 星期五闭目的会议是中国日报主办的,.7.有几项新的法律条款被通过,以保护妇女政治上不受歧视.8.我很少喝烈酒,只是偶尔喝一杯葡萄酒,.9.由于我们市经常发生交通拥堵,越来越多的人喜欢骑自行车上班, .10. 根据考古学家们的结论,那里曾经是一座古庙的遗址,.1.能量被定义为做工的能力,.2. 现在越来越多的人通过锻炼来保持身体健康,.3.尽管笔是个小物件,但它是非常有用的工具,4. 由于一辆小车超一辆货车,结果发生了事故, .5.天气变得越冷,我越喜欢, 6. 你能帮我个忙吗?,7她又开始工作了,正如预期的那样,. .8. 只要你肯帮忙,有没有钱不要紧, .