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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 04:15:15
希望是自己翻译的,翻译软件翻出来的问题总是很大- -
No matter of the great investment and theadvanced technology, the one dimensional conveying which is in the forms ofnotify and annunciation has no way to win the support of citizens in the age ofInformation and Right, if it involves the public issues of citizen-interest. Whatbehind the fierce expression are the disrespected rights and the dissatisfied argumentand the ignored motions and voices.
This case has suggested that our people areenhancing the ability of social mobilization, facing of the current living period,especially on the environmental issue, which reflect more rights to be informedand the awareness of participation, and has put forward many new propositionwhen it come to local governmental decision and the information disclosure.
So one side, government shall bring morecitizen participation and the assessment of social psychological factors intothe procedure of decision-making. On the other side, the medias should carry ona more strict supervision and tract the issue more tightly, and popularize the environmentalknowledge in the same time. These two are the emergency we should deal withright now.
We can’t prevent the progress oflarge-scale industry when China is in the period of industrialization. Facingwith the potential argument of public interest, the government will be able topull through the crisis peaceful, if they can transform their mind of dealingwith the climacteric from passive into active, and build a platform for thesake of communication among the government, the firm and the public and thenconstruct a benign situation that government comprehend the citizen, thecompany respect the citizen and the citizen understand the government as longas company, just before the project PX being put into effect. Eventually governmentcans execution the duty of balancing the development and stability.
The breakthrough and exploration is indeed importantto a project and the territorial economy, but we steel need a reasonabledesignation on a top level and make up the existing cracks through thecommunication considering about clearing the public expression and to carry outa effective communication.
Only the equal dialogue between power andthe right and the positive interaction between government and the public canlead to the estrangement down.
英语翻译不管投资多大、工艺多先进,如果牵涉到民众利益的公共性问题,仅以“通告”、“告知”的形式“单向度传输”,怎能在信息 公共关系学的问题 在危机事件中,媒介的信息传播是如何改变利益格局并引发相应的公关行为的? 求一篇英语作文,以通告的形式写. 英语翻译翻译:“知识经济的兴起将对投资模式、产业结构、增长方式和教育的职能与形式产生深刻的影响.在投资模式方面,信息、教 公共关系学上的民众指什么 英语翻译曼彻斯特编码是将时钟和数据包含在数据流中,在传输代码信息的同时,也将时钟同步信号一起传输到对方,每位编码中有一跳 英语翻译翻译 1,英语使我们有可能学习世界上其他国家先进的科学技术(it) 2,希望在那儿开创自己的事业,造福民众(wh 英语翻译剪纸作为一门民间艺术的形式,至今已有两千多年的历史,它依附于民众生活,甚至是民众生活的一部分.在过去,剪纸是作为 英语翻译在矩阵运算与矩阵研究中,经常牵涉到伴随矩阵的问题,伴随矩阵是高等代数中的一个基本概念,是高等代数的学习中的一个重 英语翻译全球化,通信工具等是人们之间的距离拉近,往往牵涉到很多人. 英语翻译摘要由于当前社会结构的不断分化和重组,社会利益格局发生变化,许多民众的切身利益得不到保障,不可避免地出现社会利益 微型计算机与外部设备之间的信息传输方式有 A仅串行方式 B串行方式或并行方式 C连接方式 D仅并